Stranger Things Fans Come Up With Wildest Match Possible For Steve (Not Nancy)

Stranger Things Fans Come Up With Wildest Match Possible For Steve (Not Nancy)
Image credit: Legion-Media

In season 4, we saw open hints about the reunion of one of the main couples of the entire series, but the writers always like to surprise us, so once again everything may not be as simple as it seems.

Stranger Things has been a huge hit since its release on Netflix.

Among the series' many characters, Steve Harrington is an obvious hero and everyone's favorite, and Kali was only a one-episode wonder — and yet fans are so eager to ship her with the "babysitter" should she return in season 5.

Let's hear them out, shall we? Steve Harrington started out as a typical high school jock who was initially unpopular with the D&D gang.

Stranger Things Fans Come Up With Wildest Match Possible For Steve (Not Nancy) - image 1

However, as the series progressed, his character evolved, and the bully turned into one of the show's most popular heroes.

Kali, however, was introduced in season 2 as Eleven's "sister" for only one episode. 008 has the power to create illusions, and her gang is on a mission to get revenge on the people who have wronged them.

The possibility of Steve and Kali ending up together is intriguing to fans, but their opinions are divided. Some will be happy to see the hapless lover bond with the Eight, while others will hate the idea completely.

The fandom is now either team "I started posting here about Stali as a joke, but the more I talked about how it could be made to work, the more I started liking it," or "no, that would be random and i hope she isn't coming back anyway."

Though the couple may seem odd to many viewers, despite their differences, the two share one common trait: they are both fiercely loyal to their loved ones.

Fans predict only two paths for Steve. Either he gets a happy ending with a loving girl and finally fulfills his dream of having half a dozen Harringnuggets, or he dies.

Well, there are fans who are willing to ponder of a different outcome.

"I think Steve is going to get what Robin and Vickie got at the end of s4. Just a scene of him talking to a girl at the end and it's kind of implied that they're going to end up together. Takes out the need to establish a whole other relationship while they're trying to fight the devil or something," Redditor fourth-sanderson said.

With Kali's potential return for season 5 being nothing short of a fan speculation so far, her possible romance with Steve may sound even more nonsensical to many.

Still, their contrasting personalities make for an interesting pairing, so let's see what happens in season 5.

Currently, Stranger Things production has been delayed due to the writers' strike. The release date is still unknown.

Source: Reddit