Something's Off About S.W.A.T. Season 6: Is It Chris' Absence?
Looks like fans are not getting the same vibe from season 6, and the fact that a certain someone is missing might be the reason.
Now that one of the main characters of S.W.A.T. left the show at the end of season 5, the new swanson seems a bit different to its true fans. But what exactly do they miss?
Turns out it could be Christina Alonso, a.k.a. Chris, who was the kind of a strong female lead who's always fighting and finding troubles. And now that she is not in the show anymore, having passed the baton to Zoe Powell, fans find it odd.
"Not sure it's Chris that's missing, but something's off about this season & since she's the last one to leave, my mind fills the reason for emptiness is her. Fights are less & a strong female presence isn't there," Reddit user AzRaeL301 said.
There are also those who loved Chris just for her personality. And are happy that her name is still mentioned in the show so they could feel her "presence" there.
Still, Reddit split into two groups. There are actually those who are simply relieved that Chris is now gone. According to fans, it's her indecisiveness and "constant" whining that quickly made her impossible to like.
But it seems that the writers didn't know what to do with her character after all these seasons. A strong female is one thing, but when she starts whining and complaining all the time, it ruins everything, fans argue.
"Much, much better without her constant whining, crying and complaining. Extremely thankful that she is gone.This has been the best season in years.
We've had more chances for everyone to shine and develop as characters without the constant Street/Chris drama and the eye-rolling "won't someone think of the poor criminals" that Chris is always espousing," Reddit user FeldMonster said.
Still, without Alonso, many people think that the most exciting part of the show – stunts and fights – has almost disappeared, and the storylines feel "disjointed."
Well, with or without Chris, no matter how polarizing the character was, the series goes on. The new episode will air on CBS on April 1.