
Robert Downey Jr. Named 'The Best Film He's Been In' and You'll Never Guess It

Robert Downey Jr. Named 'The Best Film He's Been In' and You'll Never Guess It
Image credit: Legion-Media

With Robert Downey Jr.’s extensive resume, it’s quite a feat for a movie to be called his favorite — but the actor recently revealed his #1 film, and it’s not even Iron Man.

Robert Downey Jr. entered Hollywood A-list (and the audience’s attention, pretty much) rather late in his life, but when he did — he did it with a bang. As of now, the actor’s resume is massive and varied, but he’s undeniably known as Tony Stark or Iron Man, for the most part: this movie brought him the world’s recognition.

It’s always interesting to learn which of their projects an actor deems their favorite as sometimes, it can be the most unobvious choice ever. This is also the case with Robert Downey Jr.: we would’ve guessed that Iron Man, Sherlock Holmes, or even Tropic Thunder was his favorite film, but none of these guesses are even close.

Since Downey Jr. plays in Christopher Nolan ’s Oppenheimer, he attended the London premiere of the movie as part of the main cast, and in the limited time he had (thanks to the SAG strike starting exactly one hour into the premiere), he shared his opinion on the matter. As he spoke, there was a large hint written behind his back.

Robert Downey Jr. called Oppenheimer “the best movie he’s ever been in,” and despite this happening during the premiere, it was hardly a marketing trick: coming from an actor of Robert’s scale, such a statement is not to be taken lightly. Considering the projects the actor’s been part of, it’s quite a compliment to Nolan.

What specifically caught our attention is that Downey Jr. didn’t call Oppenheimer his favorite movie (as in, “I had a ton of fun filming it”) but his best movie ever. This goes to show that the actor appreciates the immense work that was put into the production by all the team members and co-stars as well as the genius of the director himself.

It’s only fair that we only grew more impatient for Christopher Nolan’s magnum opus, and we’re sure we’re not the only ones: after all the praise we’ve already heard for Oppenheimer, we now learn that Robert Downey Jr. considers it the best movie ever.

Are you excited about Oppenheimer?

Source: Christopher Nolan Art & Updates