
Remus Lupin Plot Hole That Still Doesn’t Make Any Sense in Harry Potter

Remus Lupin Plot Hole That Still Doesn’t Make Any Sense in Harry Potter
Image credit: Warner Bros.

Remus Lupin was a poor bloke, but that was actually by choice.

Professor Lupin first makes his entrance in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and he looks like life has been tough on him. He wears shabby clothes and looks exhausted and even tortured.

As the years go by, Remus’ state of living just gets worse and worse. He eventually loses his job at Hogwarts, which means that he is once again struggling financially, and then he has to go undercover with the other werewolves, Voldemort’s allies, and live like an animal.

Sure, he can’t do anything about his werewolf curse, and he has chosen to oppose the Dark Lord as his noble mission himself, but he could’ve certainly done something about his financial situation if he had wanted to.

One Reddit user has pointed out a glaring Harry Potter plot hole that concerns Professor Lupin. If he was so detached from the wizarding community and mistreated by it, why didn’t he just get a muggle job instead?

Remus Lupin Plot Hole That Still Doesn’t Make Any Sense in Harry Potter - image 1

The wizarding world did not offer many career opportunities to creatures like werewolves back in the 1990s (or earlier), that’s true, but the muggle world had no problem giving jobs to them (on the account of not knowing that werewolves were, in fact, real).

Lupin was canonically a half-blood wizard, meaning that he had a muggle mom, so he should’ve been more aware of the muggle way of life than an average pure-blood. Remus could’ve literally just settled down in the muggle world and gotten a regular job there (at least, something that didn’t require a degree or experience – it would’ve still been better than nothing).

Remus Lupin Plot Hole That Still Doesn’t Make Any Sense in Harry Potter - image 2

It is Harry Potter canon that wizards can exchange muggle money for their own currency at Gringotts (much like Hermione’s parents did in the first book). Lupin could’ve easily exchanged his hard-earned muggle cash for wizarding galleons and lived comfortably.

There you have it, folks. Remus Lupin was poor by choice and did nothing to remedy his own life circumstances. We still love the guy as his story was tragic in other ways too, but he could’ve at least been miserable in a mansion comparable to Malfoy Manor.

Source: Reddit

Do you think Remus would’ve succeeded at a muggle job?