Reddit Picks The Biggest A**Hole in GoT Universe, Surprises No One

Reddit Picks The Biggest A**Hole in GoT Universe, Surprises No One
Image credit: globallookpress

Good old Reddit loves a bit of Game of Thrones debate among its users. And one thread discussed who was the biggest a**hole in Westeros – with the discussion and overall opinion surprising nobody.

From the outset, the thread focused on Joffrey and Aegon as the two possibilities for the ultimate GoT a**hole – with Joffrey coming out a clear winner for several reasons. And if that has surprised you in any way, you may need to watch the show again.

A**hole would seem to be an apt word to describe Joffrey Baratheon – even in the context of a world in which violence, betrayal, and even incestual relationships are pretty commonplace.

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But the consensus of opinion from Reddit users is essentially that Joffrey was evil and a pretty useless leader. Where Aegon was selfish and primarily focused on drinking, having sex, and generally living a life of debauchery, many pointed out that Joffrey was a despicable ruler who achieved nothing but demanded praise and worship for it.

Aegon, many users said, at least had self-awareness on his side. Ok, so he was never going to be a leader worth his salt – but at least he acknowledged that reality. Joffrey, on the other hand, seemed to be completely oblivious to his own shortcomings.

As the thread developed, some users threw in other suggestions for the biggest a**hole in the show. Maegor was put up as a suggestion but pretty quickly dismissed by most users as not in the same league as the ultimate leader of the poll.

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Ramsay Bolton was another name thrown into the mix. One user described him as just as evil as Joffrey, but with the ability to fight and lead, as well as being a pretty decent strategist. And while this seems like a fairly good argument, most Reddit users remained of the opinion that Joffrey being useless and evil made him more of an a**hole as at least Bolton had something going for him.

Although one user did find a redeeming feature of Joffrey – his painful and gruesome death. And it's probably fair to say that if fans of the show see a character convulsing and bleeding from their eyes as they take their last few breaths, and actually think that's the best thing about them, then they are probably truly the biggest a**hole in the show.