Reddit Getting Tired Of Bold & Beautiful's Most Predictable Storyline

Reddit Getting Tired Of Bold & Beautiful's Most Predictable Storyline
Image credit: CBS

If "Thomas" is the first word that came to your mind, you're in the right place.

The Bold and the Beautiful has been on the screen for over thirty years, during which time the audience has had its favorites and outcasts, and some storylines being more successful than others.

Recently one particular repetitive trope caused a huge wave of dissatisfaction among fans.

The show has had its ups and downs throughout its run on television, but it still holds a strong position in terms of ratings not only in the US, but abroad as well.

However, one thing fans in every country can't stand is storylines that wipe out all previous character development over and over again.

This time, fans are angry about Steffy's desire to bring the notorious Thomas back to work with Hope.

Most fans agree that this storyline is irrational and doesn't match the actions of the characters in previous episodes. Hope was given the choice to either work with the man who had ruined her life or "No Hope for the future" — to stop working on the HFTF.

Reddit Getting Tired Of Bold & Beautiful's Most Predictable Storyline - image 1

The inconsistency is that Hope herself had previously offered to work with Thomas, but it was Steffy who turned down the idea.

So what influenced her to suddenly change her mind? The argument is that only Thomas can do what is necessary to keep the brand afloat after the failure of the last line.

But if what Thomas did was so thriving, why did one failure put the brand in jeopardy?

"If the last line Thomas worked on was soooo successful, how the hell could one flop line almost tank the entire brand so much that you would have to put it on pause? Sounds like either what Thomas did last time wasn't THAT big of a deal, if the sales can't help keep the brand afloat," Reddit user Memorian 91 said.

Fans agree that Thomas is a good character who adds drama and suspense to the show. However, his story always ends the same way.

Thomas will be guilty, disappear for a while, and then be forgiven without seeing the consequences of his action.

Many agree that in this case, the characters do not receive proper development and perform random actions, which makes the series simply uninteresting to watch.

"So many directions they could go in, but they pick the most repetitive, most boring, most irritating direction. Sigh," Reddit user heydawn commented.

The fans hope that the creators of B&B will notice the dissatisfaction and listen to the opinion of the audience, otherwise it may happen that a long-running project will lose a significant part of its viewers.