
Reddit Claims This 20-Year-Old Horror Gem Is the Most Unhinged Movie You’ll Ever See

Reddit Claims This 20-Year-Old Horror Gem Is the Most Unhinged Movie You’ll Ever See
Image credit: Paramount Pictures, Legion-Media

No ghosts, puppets, or demons – just a brilliant performance by a brilliant actor.

Nowadays, horror filmmakers do everything they can to surprise the viewers who are tired of standard jumpscares. Therefore, for every Annabelle, which is a typical horror film based only on gore effects and all sorts of jumpscares, there is The Babadook, which attracts with its oppressive atmosphere and psychological story.

Exactly 20 years ago, a movie was released that didn't aim to scare the viewers at all, but that's exactly what it did.

Without jumpscares, creepy dolls, or evil ghosts, The Machinist, starring Christian Bale, is considered one of the most uncomfortable and frightening movies you'll never want to see a second time.

“It is extraordinarily harrowing watch, and one that I would describe as being truly uncomfortable,” Reddit user PriestofJudas wrote.

What is The Machinist About?

Trevor Reznik hasn't slept in about a year. Sleep deprivation, physical exhaustion, colossal fatigue are written all over his face. Like a walking skeleton, he lives between sleep and reality, frightening and alienating those around him.

When an accident occurs at work, Trevor is accused of criminal negligence. The man begins to investigate a chain of strange events, plunging deeper and deeper into a labyrinth of nightmare and paranoia.

Christian Bale's Body Transformation for The Machinist Was Shocking

Reddit Claims This 20-Year-Old Horror Gem Is the Most Unhinged Movie You’ll Ever See - image 1

The Machinist is further proof of Christian Bale's dedication to his craft. For the role of Trevor Reznik, he underwent the most famous (and creepy) transformation of his career.

In order to convey the full range of emotions of an insomniac, the actor lost more than 60 pounds in a short period of time. Bale was ready to go further in his extreme diet, but the filmmakers, concerned about his health, stopped the actor. Thanks to the physical changes and brilliant acting, Christian managed to embody a completely lost person on screen.

Bale's diet lasted four months – it consisted of only an apple, a can of tuna and a cup of black coffee. According to the actor, he also often smoked cigarettes and drank whiskey. In addition, Bale limited his social life: he almost never went out and saw his friends.

Experts believe that such a regime is dangerous to health and should not be repeated under any circumstances. Bale consumed less than 200 calories a day, which can lead to metabolic disorders. In 2019, the actor said that he would no longer lose or gain weight for roles. And that's probably for the best.