
Reddit Casts 90s Stars in X-Men, And It's Spot-On (Except for One Unreplaceable Star)

Reddit Casts 90s Stars in X-Men, And It's Spot-On (Except for One Unreplaceable Star)
Image credit: globallookpress

This would make a much better movie than any reboot imaginable.

With the sudden rise of reboots, it's not hard to imagine any movie considered a classic being remade and recast with some younger actors.

Hollywood is obsessed with revisiting movies made years ago, and the trend is far from over. But what if it were possible to flip the coin and remake a newer movie back in time?

This is the task that Reddit has happily taken on.

Well, as a basis, Redditors took a movie that never saw the big screen, James Cameron 's X-Men, which was later adapted by Bryan Singer and turned out to be one of the most successful superhero franchises.

Cameron started working on his X-Men script back in 1991, so it was only fair to choose the actors from that era as the fancasts.

The lead roles of Magneto, Mystique, and Wolverine would go to Tom Berenger, Sigourney Weaver, and Mel Gibson, respectively.

Not surprisingly, the role of Colossus was given to the strongest man at the time, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Jeff Goldblum would portray the Beast and Angela Bassett would get the role of Storm.

Reddit Casts 90s Stars in X-Men, And It's Spot-On (Except for One Unreplaceable Star) - image 1

It sounds like a dream movie, but there's an even better catch.

Since it is just too hard to find anyone from the 90's who could better portray Charles Xavier, the role would go to Patrick Stewart, who actually portrayed a telepathic professor in the original X-Men movie that came out 9 years later.

Everyone on Reddit seemed to agree with such a decision, and understandably so: after all, Stewart's portrayal of Xavier made a huge impact on the hearts of many comic book fans back in 2000.

As much fun as it would be to see this X-Men adaptation, it looks like the era of X-Men movies has come to an end with the MCU 's Dark Phoenix in 2019.

The only thing fans can hope for are cameos in other movies, like Deadpool, or spinoffs like The New Mutants.

If you are feeling nostalgic and want to see Patrick Stewart's performance as Charles Xavier one more time, you can watch X-Men (2000) on Hulu or Disney Plus.