Queen Charlotte's Biggest Plot Twist Was Foreshadowed In The First Episode

Queen Charlotte's Biggest Plot Twist Was Foreshadowed In The First Episode
Image credit: Legion-Media

We've been warned but missed all the signs.

Truth be told, no one expected Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story to be as heartbreaking and devastating as it was.

Historical accuracy aside, when we think of anything Bridgerton, we're more likely to think of beautiful pastel dresses, balls, dances, and romance than anything dark and tragic.

Not that Queen Charlotte didn't have any of those things: it did, and to the delight of many, it only improved in quality. But it also had something that Bridgerton either didn't have or didn't delve too deeply into.

The mental health discourse, full of devastating but very realistic details of the lives of individuals who have been subjected to any problems.

There are many stories about King George and his "madness," which was clearly a poorly treated mental condition. Half of them are true and half of them are myths and legends.

Queen Charlotte did not seek historical accuracy for the show but rather focused on the tragedy behind what was supposed to be the purest of love stories.

However, viewers were warned of George's condition from the beginning of the show. Charmed by the beauty of the actors and the chemistry between them, many simply didn't notice at the time.

When Charlotte and George first meet at the wall, she demands to know everything about him, and he gives her a fairly detailed list, but also mentions a scar from a paring knife.

This didn't occur to the majority of the audience at the time of the first viewing, but it caught the attention of those who re-watched the show.

King stutters and acts more awkwardly around the subject, drawing more attention to it.

While the moment is generally glossed over, it makes one wonder why King would even need to reach for the paring knife in a place full of cooks.

Many believe that this moment is a foreshadowing of what's to come.

Whether that is true or not, you can judge for yourself by giving Queen Charlotte the gift: A Bridgerton Story. All episodes of the series are available to stream on Netflix.