Prepare For Worse in Bridgerton S3: Lady Whistledown Enters Her Villain Era

Prepare For Worse in Bridgerton S3: Lady Whistledown Enters Her Villain Era
Image credit: Legion-Media

You thought her gossip game was tough? This is only the beginning.

Needless to say, Lady Whistledown is by far the most mysterious character in the Bridgerton series. You couldn't tell who she was before, but knowing her identity doesn't help us predict her moves.

It seems that the main gossip girl of Regency-era London, a.k.a. Penelope Featherington, will seriously up her game in the upcoming third season.

The question is, how much worse can she get? Now that Penelope's anonymity has been compromised, she might not shy away from the dirtiest tricks.

Moreover, with Netflix announcing that the new season will revolve around Colin Bridgerton, her potential boo. Poor Colin still doesn't know that he's just one step away from being so closely related to Lady Whistledown herself.

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Fans think there are several possible scenarios that could unfold around Penelope and her new position.

For example, season 2 of Bridgerton showed the rift in the friendship between Penelope and Eloise Bridgerton after she discovered Pen's secret identity.

But it seems that after such a big fight with her best friend, Penelope will never risk losing more friendships or especially potential romance because of her little side "career."

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Also, there is one thing that fans believe will mix up her career. In season 3, she is likely to become more visible – either due to weight loss or new clothes, and it's pretty challenging to be all secretive when you're in the spotlight.

"I don't think she can be LWD once she begins coming into her own at the beginning of Season 3. Once she is putting herself out there with suitors, she won't be invisible anymore and able to stand around listening. Penelope will be on the dance floor, mingling, flirting etc and the paper will suffer without its "ears"," Reddit user ShootFrameHang said.

So it seems that in order to keep up her work-life balance Lady Whistledown might need a partner or two…

Who knows, maybe Eloise will finally let it go and come back to Penelope?