
One Thing You Can't Make Mark Hamill Do? Pick a Favorite Star Wars Movie

One Thing You Can't Make Mark Hamill Do? Pick a Favorite Star Wars Movie
Image credit: Legion-Media

A lot of people have strong opinions on which of the nine mainline Star Wars episodes are the best and the worst.

Posting your own opinion is one of the better ways to bait for replies… we mean, to start a lively Internet discussion. The general consensus points at the original trilogy as the best, but picking a definite favorite among the Episodes IV-VI is much more difficult.

And one person who deliberately refused to do so, all the way back then, when there were no other trilogies, was Mark Hamill himself. In an interview with the Lucasfilm Fan Club Magazine #3 (1988), he explained, that he loved the whole trilogy.

"Each film is special in a different way," Hamill said. "It's like saying, 'Which is your favorite kid?' It's hard to pick a favorite. The first one was new and fresh and different.

The second one, I think, it tried to utilize the fact that you thought you knew what was coming and I liked that. Each one had its own personality and character and it it's hard for me to say, 'That's my favorite.'

Note that this answer, while beautiful, is a bit evasive. It leaves open the possibility that Mark Hamill does have a favorite episode, but does not want to raise it above others with his public mark of approval.

It is pretty safe to say that Hamill still favors the original trilogy over all the rest – after all, he wasn't involved with the prequels at all, and the less is said about his character's treatment in the sequels, the better. Yes he usually remains circumspect in what he says about the sequels, and denies that he hates them, even accusing people of misinterpreting his comments:

"They can take selective comments you've made out of context and use it to support their argument: 'See, Mark hated Star Wars! '"

But if just voicing your opinion about movies in a way "sounding a little strong" can make such an impression, you're almost certainly not happy with those movies. In particular, Hamill voiced his complaints about the fact which bugs almost every Star Wars fan out there as well, even the majority of those who defend the sequels – the new trilogy failing to include even a single scene with Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher together.