One Thing About Mandalorian's Look That Drives Pedro Pascal Crazy

One Thing About Mandalorian's Look That Drives Pedro Pascal Crazy
Image credit: Legion-Media

When you are an intergalactic hero, your looks matter. But you know what else does? Vision.

Mandalorian star Pedro Pascal has revealed a major flaw in his character's Boba Fett-like armor. It turns out that the signature helmet is useless when it comes to practicality.

In an interview with Empire, Pascal admitted that he is virtually blind when he puts on Din Djarin's helmet.

"It's like putting on a head-to-toe glove with weights on it," Pascal said. "It's ironic that you can't see any facial expression because it puts you in the world so completely, and instantly makes the character feel real – but you can't see sh*t!"

Basically, the cool-looking armor makes Pascal's character vulnerable to all sorts of holes in the ground, simply because he is unable to see them while wearing the helmet.

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"Your breath completely fogs up the narrow slit you can see through. There's no peripheral vision. If there's a hole, I'm gonna fall into it," Pascal continued, adding that the flaw remains even though the series crew has already spent a lot of time trying to finesse Din Djarin's suit and make it more comfortable to act in.

"That's why people keep telling him, 'This is the way,'" Twitter user Dimpkie joked, adding a whole new layer to the Mandalorian 's motto.

Other fans suggest that perhaps the show's crew should ask cosplayers, who share Pascal's pain, for advice on how to make the actor's life easier. Now it seems The Mandalorian star knows how Star Wars icon Mark Hamill felt when he had to wear the stormtrooper's get-up.

The challenges are not over for Pascal, who will have to put the impractical helmet back on soon, as The Mandalorian returns for its third season on Disney Plus on March 1.