One Silo Question You Can't Learn The Answer To From The Books (So You Have to Wait For S2)

One Silo Question You Can't Learn The Answer To From The Books (So You Have to Wait For S2)
Image credit: Apple TV+

It's not like everyone can just go buy Hugh Howey's books and fill that Silo-shaped void in our hearts.

Apple TV 's Silo is one of the rare instances of a TV adaptation that practically every book fan absolutely adores. Led by Rebecca Ferguson as Juliette Nichols, the series has easily conquered the ratings, as well as viewers' hearts.

Now that the entire fandom has to wait for season 2 after that cliffhanger, many people who have not previously read the books resort to actually checking them out just so the suspense doesn't kill them.

However, not every single mystery of Silo season 1 can be unveiled by the books. One such mystery is the so-called "Syndrome" — something that Deputy Paul Billings suffers from (and that can ruin his life if anyone knows about it).

What exactly is the Syndrome? Well, the short answer is we don't know yet.

The long answer is that fans have plenty of theories to try and explain that. Some people believe that the Syndrome is some kind of a condition that is caused by lack of direct sunlight, or by whatever toxins have filled the air outside the Silo. This theory seems reasonable, if it wasn't for the fact that not every single Silo resident has the Syndrome.

One Silo Question You Can't Learn The Answer To From The Books (So You Have to Wait For S2) - image 1

Others believe that the Syndrome may be the aftermath of memory drugs that are used on some residents who are too eager to know the truth. Or maybe, the Syndrome is just Parkinson’s, but the residents simply have no idea that the condition already has a name.

Billings' Syndrome was a huge deal in season 1. Juliette knew; and in the end of the season, Robert Sims, the head of security for Judicial, also made it clear that he was aware of Paul concealing the symptoms.

However, Hugh Howey's books don't use the term "Syndrome" at all, so in order to find out what it means exactly, we all will have to wait for season 2 to premiere on Apple TV Plus. Currently, the release date is unknown.

Source: Reddit