One Serious Topic General Hospital Cannot Seem To Handle Right

One Serious Topic General Hospital Cannot Seem To Handle Right
Image credit: ABC

They need to do it justice before fans get even more disappointed.

There is no way a daytime soap could be as serious as your general drama. It wouldn't be fair to expect the same level of depth from shows that cater to different audiences with different agendas.

However, there are some standards for modern media that viewers hold everything to, no matter the genre.

And if the show can't handle the sensitive subject matter in a respectful way that does it justice, should it be tackling it at all?

There are not many things that bother General Hospital viewers. In the 60 years that the show has been on the air, fans have gotten used to crime, death, disease, and every kind of romantic drama imaginable.

However, there is one thing that the writers have never been able to get right. And now the misrepresentation becomes really annoying.

General Hospital cannot treat its characters who suffer from addiction.

The problem fans have with the writers is that they don't use addiction as a part of someone's life to be overcome, but rather as a plot device.

Depending on the character, they make the addiction an additional trait that makes them more or less likable, which isn't how addictions work in real life.

Writers clearly struggle with compassion for their own addicted characters. Some of them are perfectly fine because their addictions have "right" reasons behind them, while others are treated poorly while struggling with the exact same problem.

The best example of this would be Alan and AJ, both addicted, but one is a "good" character struggling with unfortunate issues, and the other... well, let's just agree, not the most loved.

This bias, unfortunately, seems to be happening again with Mike and Gladys, as one is being forgiven and the other seems to be on the verge of being disowned by everyone.

Fans are still hoping to be proven wrong in the upcoming episodes, but their hope is fading by the day. Tune in to ABC Monday through Friday to not miss another episode of General Hospital and see how the story unfolds.