One Scene That Takes Friends to Another Level of Cringe

One Scene That Takes Friends to Another Level of Cringe
Image credit: Legion-Media

We are usually the quickest to defend questionable choices made by the creators of Friends and say that it was appropriate for the time, but this scene is honestly so bad that even we are not going to defend it!

Remember when Ross made a move on his cousin, and we all thought it was funny? We know! We can't believe it either.

If you are one of the lucky ones who managed to put that awful storyline in the back of your mind and pretend it doesn't exist, we are here to remind you (sorry) that it does.

In the season 7 episode, The One with Ross and Monica's Cousin, the Gellers' cousin Cassie, played by Denise Richards, comes to town and initially stays with Chandler and Monica.

However, her hotness is too much for Bing (who is getting married soon, by the way) to handle, and Cassie goes to live with Ross. Surely, her own cousin wouldn't behave so creepily, right?

As if. Not only does Ross outdo Chandler creepiness-wise, but he also makes things much, much worse.

In the episode, Ross and Cassie sit down to watch a movie together, and Ross gets the impression that his cousin wants to sleep with him.

His reasoning is fueled by some twisted logic: Cassie is the one who suggested they turn down the lights, open a bottle of wine, and watch Logan's Run ("the sexiest movie ever"). Solid!

Ross makes his move, only to be turned down by Cassie, who rightfully demands an explanation.

Trying to find his way out of this Alabama-worthy situation, Ross takes the longest, most awkward pause in the history of mankind and ends up saying, "I haven't had sex in a very long time." Eww!

Cassie changes apartments for the third time and stays with Phoebe, who is also "smitten" with her looks. Well, at least Phoebe doesn't have a thing for her cousin!

We wonder how this episode made it through all the production stages before airing, and no one stopped to think that this was a horrible, horrible idea.

Friends really put its foot in its mouth with this one!