
One Muggle School Practice That Would've Turned Harry Potter into Comedy (and Helped Voldemort Tremendously, Too)

One Muggle School Practice That Would've Turned Harry Potter into Comedy (and Helped Voldemort Tremendously, Too)
Image credit: Legion-Media

While Harry Potter has its fair share of jokes, it's by no means a comedy; however, if Hogwarts inherited this essential practice from the Muggle schools, it would've turned every year's end into one — and aided Voldemort in his goals, weirdly.

While the Wizarding School had quite a few similarities with the Muggles', there are some things that would've worked wonders for Hogwarts' students if they were to be implemented into the world of Harry Potter. Truly, the Muggles have been far ahead of the Wizards for ages when it comes to educating their children.

However, we're not here to talk about the inefficiencies of Hogwarts' education — we've already done that in the past. Instead, let's picture a beautiful world where Hogwarts has…parents' evenings!

For all we know, Hogwarts has been incredibly dangerous for kids forever: the sheer number of unnecessarily vile things in and around the castle is just overwhelming for a place that already has dozens of underage wand-wielding buffoons who are constantly threatening each other while learning new spells every day.

The situation only ever got worse with Harry Potter's arrival at Hogwarts as now, there was an additional risk every year related to the activities of one Lord Voldemort. Also, sometimes, there was a potentially Dark wizard who'd escaped Azkaban on the loose lurking inside and outside of the castle, so yeah.

One Muggle School Practice That Would've Turned Harry Potter into Comedy (and Helped Voldemort Tremendously, Too) - image 1

Imagine how awkward the parents' evenings would've been at Hogwarts, especially by the end of each school year. While the wizards would've at least known what to expect since they'd studied at Hogwarts themselves, the poor Muggle parents would've been thoroughly terrified after the very first bits of news from the teachers.

Upon learning that there are terrorists, con artists, and werewolves among the Professors' ranks, half of the Muggle parents would've taken their children very far from Hogwarts; the other half (perhaps, the startled ones), would've done the same after learning the current student death count and how it updates every year.

"What do you mean, my daughter was turned into a furry beast and you don't know how to reverse the effects?!" We hear Hermione's parents yelling at Professor McGonagall. There definitely would've been no Golden Trio if there were parents' evenings at Hogwarts, for sure; Hermione would've been out the very first year.

Also, weirdly enough, this would've aided Lord Voldemort and Salazar Slytherin's goals tremendously. These two goofballs tried to physically exterminate Muggle-born students to keep them away from magic; in reality, they could've just allowed the Muggle parents to talk to the Professors at the end of the school year for half an hour.

There would've been precisely zero Muggle-born students at Hogwarts in no time if that was the case.