One Friends Actor Finally Scotched This Famous Rumor

One Friends Actor Finally Scotched This Famous Rumor
Image credit: Legion-Media

Over the course of its run, Friends has spawned a lot of rumors (and some of them will remain just that forever), but a certain actress is ready to give us peace of mind, busting at least one myth that has been circulating for years!

Believe it or not, we are talking about Maggie Wheeler, who played the iconic Janice on the show.

In a 2016 interview for On Demand Entertainment, the actress clears up an old piece of gossip: a lot of people seem to think that she originally auditioned for Monica.

Wheeler actually says that this never happened, or that someone "snatched her body" and went to the audition because she doesn't recall this.

No reason not to believe Janice, right? It's not like she ever gave us any reason to doubt her…

Maggie also talks about her favorite Janice moment (apparently, there are a lot of them) – and the winner is the season 1 scene where Janice gets mad at Chandler and tells him that she cut his face out of all the pictures and says that he can "use them in his Theater of Cruelty!"

That is one hilarious moment for sure!

One Friends Actor Finally Scotched This Famous Rumor - image 1

The star even seems to believe that Chandler was "wrong" to break up with Janice many, many, many times and that he should have ended up with her instead of Monica.

We mean… that would have been one killer couple (meaning that someone would definitely kill someone else at some point).

Janice's Rendition of Friends Theme Song Will Save Your Day

I'll be there for you when the rain starts to pour… We bet you can hear those four claps right now!

The Friends theme song, written by the show's creators and recorded by The Rembrandts, is arguably one of the most (if not the most) recognizable opening-credits songs out there, and we've heard our fair share of covers over the years.

Imagine if Friends had stuck with the song originally intended for the show – R.E.M.'s Shiny Happy People. We would have missed out on so many great jokes about I'll Be There for You!

Some of the more prominent renditions of the iconic song include The Goo Goo Dolls, Pink Lincolns, and, of course, Meghan Trainor's versions. The latter was even released as part of the Friends' 25th Anniversary celebration in 2019!

However, we have found the cover to beat them all, and it is performed by Maggie Wheeler.

In the same interview, the actress jokingly sings part of the chorus of I'll Be There for You while in character, and this is what we all need to hear!

Anyway, we are happy to hear from Maggie after all these years. Janice is an integral part of the show, and we need her.

We can't live without her, and we know it (for real this time).