
One Dursley Scene That Was an Absolute Crime to Cut From Harry Potter

One Dursley Scene That Was an Absolute Crime to Cut From Harry Potter
Image credit: Legion-Media

Harry Potter is a beloved book and movie franchise. But as much as we love the movies, there are several scenes that we all wish weren't cut from the final versions.

One of the most significant cut scenes is from the last movie, where we see Petunia Dursley, the aunt of Harry Potter, in a rare candid moment.

In this scene, Petunia remembers her sister's passing, and it is a huge disappointment that it was cut from the movie.

Petunia Dursley was the sister of Lily Potter, Harry's mother. She was never fond of her sister, and was never kind to Harry.

However, in this cut scene, we see a different side of her. A side that is full of regret and sorrow. In the scene, we see Petunia about to leave her home forever.

We all know why they have to leave. It is because Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters are on the hunt for Harry Potter, and the Dursleys' home is no longer safe for any of them.

In the scene, as Petunia stands in the empty living room, she laments the fact that she has to leave behind her home, where she lived for 20 years.

In this moment, we see a glimpse of a woman who has lost everything. It is a moment that is emotionally charged and heartwarming, and we realize that Petunia has been carrying this pain in her heart for all these years.

The scene ends with Petunia saying, "You didn't just lose a mother that night in Godric's Hollow, you know. I lost a sister." It is a sentence that hits home, and we finally understand the full extent of Petunia's pain.

Throughout the series, we saw a woman who was bitter and cruel to Harry, but this scene shows us the excruciatingly real Petunia Dursley, a woman who has never forgotten her sister and who still bears, and always will, the pain of losing her.

This scene could have added another layer to the character of Petunia Dursley, and it would have also provided a much-needed insight into the dynamic of the Potter-Dursley family, much in the line of how these events took place in the book.

It is a vital scene that could have touched the hearts of many viewers, but sadly, it has never made the final cut.