One Bridgerton Character Fans Hope Will Have A Storyline As Far Away From The Original As Possible

One Bridgerton Character Fans Hope Will Have A Storyline As Far Away From The Original As Possible
Image credit: Legion-Media

One case where the further from the original the better.

As with any story that goes from book to screen, there are those who embrace the changes and learn to enjoy them, and those who wish the writers would stick to the original source material.

Bridgerton is no different, with one exception: almost everyone in fandom, regardless of their stance on the books, believes that Eloise Bridgerton deserves much better than what she originally got.

Eloise was forced to meet and eventually marry Sir Phillip Crane, her pen-pal, out of loneliness and fear of ending up alone, which was forced upon her by the social standards of her time.

Although this is consistent with the stories of the other Bridgerton siblings, as each of them had to make their peace with the ordered world in one way or another, Eloise's story is an exception. As heartbreaking as it is, fans don't believe they were in love.

And that is not the kind of forced love story they want to see in future seasons.

Fortunately, it's hard to imagine the writers reversing everything and going back to the books after what they've set up for Eloise in season 1 and season 2.

There is a lot of hope that they will either change it somehow to better suit the independent nature of her character, or create a whole new one from scratch.

By introducing not only Phillip, but also Theo to the show, the writers have given viewers a lot of guesses and ideas about what might happen and how Eloise's story might progress.

Though the early guesses of the fans may be very wrong, they are much more pleasant to imagine and make the fandom very entertained and excited to see how the story will progress in season 3.

If you share the same level of excitement for the upcoming Bridgerton episodes, keep your eyes peeled for more updates on their release date.

All signs point to fans finding out soon, so don't miss out on any news!