
Most Ridiculous Fast X Fails That Fans Can't Forgive

Most Ridiculous Fast X Fails That Fans Can't Forgive
Image credit: Legion-Media

One of the many reasons why the movie is considered as… stupid, at best.

The Fast X is the latest movie in the franchise, and although it has only been a few days since it premiered on May 19, the action has already generated a lot of buzz among audiences.

And frankly, their reviews could have been a lot more pleasant. But for many reasons that never happened.

There were a lot of things that made fans cringe. For example, how often the laws of gravity and physics stopped working when Dom's crew needed them to. Like when they stopped the bomb from exploding in Rome.

The scene made absolutely no sense, and fans were tired of nonsense like that. Including the fact that the franchise was at its worst in recent years.

Another time fans felt like the writers were just making fun of them is when they returned the apparently dead character back to the movie.

It happened at the end of the movie. Yes, we are talking about Gisele's return. She was supposed to be dead since Fast and Furious 6 ended, but who cares at this point, right?

So it looks like her death was faked, and that just reinforces the fact that no one ever really dies in Fast and Furious, which diminishes the stakes of the last few movies in the franchise.

But the worst thing about the movie, as fans claim, is the poor editing. Like the scene where Dom looks back fondly at a board with pictures of the team's previous jobs together.

As adorable as this moment is, this image board is an odd inclusion in the movie.

"I couldn't get over how literally every picture they had were just obvious screenshots of the previous movies. I get that they're not gonna take a whole bunch of staged pictures, but when you're literally seeing pictures that happened when there were absolutely no cameras around, it really takes me out of it," Redditor B0zzyk said.

The moments shown in the pictures could have never been captured in real life. And that just makes no sense. Again…