Most Disturbing Targaryen Feature All GoT Fans Forgot to Keep Their Sanity

Most Disturbing Targaryen Feature All GoT Fans Forgot to Keep Their Sanity
Image credit: HBO

Your mind either didn’t want to remember Targaryens do that or you didn’t notice it. Either way, we’re here to ruin your love for those dragonriders with a disturbing fact.

Out of all the Great Houses, the Targaryens definitely have the most unique features. Apart from their distinct otherworldly appearances, they often possess other unique abilities thanks to their magical blood: some Targaryens had premonitory dreams; others, like Daenerys, were immune to fire; and, of course, all of them had that strange connection with dragons.

A connection that’s far more disturbing than you might have previously believed.

What in Seven Hells Were Those Creatures?

House Targaryen is notorious for “keeping it in the family,” so to speak… But admittedly, they have reasons for it. Most of their unique traits are lost even in half-Targaryen children, so their “pure bloodline” is borderline a necessity — except, of course, it also keeps some terrifying and truly disturbing secrets of its own.

In Game of Thrones, as you might remember, Daenerys’ miscarried child looked like a little dragon as in it had scales, a tail, and other lizard-looking properties. Dany’s case wasn’t the only one: Maegor the Cruel’s stillborn children were described as having tails, scales, and wings, too, and so was Rhaenyra’s stillborn daughter.

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These cases prove that, at times, Targaryen women had some truly unsettling beings developing in them. Those dragon-looking children were always stillborn, mind you, but the very fact of their existence brings us to the next question: what were they?

Dragon Children Hide Targaryens’ Dark Secrets

No one truly knows just how the unique bond between Targaryens and dragons was developed, but according to Septon Barth, the famous Westeros historian, old-time Targaryen blood sorcerers created dragons from wyverns using their dark magic and also “programed” their creatures to always defer to members of their House.

Targaryens may share something in their blood with dragons, and that’s why those lizard-looking babies existed. But there’s also another… Theory, let’s call it.

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In House of the Dragon, you can see some peculiar paintings in the background walls in the war room of Dragonstone. Those paintings depict Targaryen women having… Intimate intercourses with dragons. That might be the other reason for this House’s strong bond with the mighty beasts: they literally share the same blood.

This, too, could explain why on occasion, dragon babies would grow inside of Targaryens. Either way, no matter which theory you pick, the outcome is messed up; but the second approach also redefined the familiar term “dragonriders” quite a bit.