Miley Cyrus Admits One Black Mirror Filming Experience Was So Traumatic It Haunted Her For Years

Miley Cyrus Admits One Black Mirror Filming Experience Was So Traumatic It Haunted Her For Years
Image credit: Netflix

It was all just too much for the actress to take in.

Even the most famous and influential celebrities are not completely protected from every single mishap in life. There are some things that humanity has yet to learn how to control, and climate change is definitely one of them. All the natural disasters that result from it have yet to be controlled as well.

Miley Cyrus, who has always been known for her work ethic, had to be in a very anxious state while filming Black Mirror in 2019. Not only did her character, Ashley O, go through a lot on screen, but the actress herself had to keep up with the news of the wildfires at her Malibu residence. Unfortunately for the singer, the news was devastating.

As Cyrus explained in her TikTok series Used to Be Young, she received the news that her house had burned down the day before she was to start filming as Ashley O.

But even before that, as the fires raged and the singer was left with only the feeling of uncertainty, she was also filming an excruciating medical scene. The scene required the actress to be handcuffed and strapped to a gurney, and the image stayed with her for much longer than she expected.

Although it was all fictional and a part of Black Mirror’s Rachel, Jack, and Ashley Too episode, the nightmares that followed Cyrus ever since were more than real.

“I was filming ‘Black Mirror’ and while I was there the fires happened in Malibu. I was in South Africa but [the episode] was taking place in Malibu, so it was just a real trip. Two or three years later after this happened, I didn’t understand, but I had this anxiety attack with a vision attached where I was strapped down to a gurney,” she said.

These images followed the performer whenever she went on stage and had a huge impact on her work life as well as her mental health. However, the singer was never one to give up, so she pushed through them every time.

If you want to refresh your memory of Miley Cyrus' famous Black Mirror appearance, you can stream the episode Rachel, Jack, and Ashley Too on Netflix.

Source: Miley Cyrus on Tiktok