
MCU's Thor and Star-Lord Have More in Common Than You Think

MCU's Thor and Star-Lord Have More in Common Than You Think
Image credit: Legion-Media

Thor and Star-Lord already share so much – for instance, they are both played by actors named Chris. What else is there?

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 has come and gone, and we are left with the knowledge that Peter Quill is half human, half Celestial (and his dad has a totally appropriate speaking name).

What if we told you that he's not the only one left? No, we're not talking about Mantis.

There's a curious fan theory that suggests that Thor is half Celestial too. That's right, he might not be just the God of Thunder. Is there anything to support this outrageous claim?

Sure! In Guardians of the Galaxy's second installment, we learn that Ego draws power from the planet he created and can't stay away from it for too long, or he will perish. Remember anyone else who had essentially the same problem?

In Thor: Ragnarok, Odin spends way too much time away from Asgard, leading to his death on Earth. Some people believe that he might have drawn power from his own core planet, Asgard, and that's why he couldn't survive on Earth.

Also, when Odin dies, his body becomes this gold dust that disappears into the wind – similar to how Ego disintegrates along with his planet.

Odin's death triggers a lock on Hela's prison, releasing the Goddess of Death back into the world. Hela's half Celestial nature explains why she is stronger on Asgard. Just like Peter, she can't control her powers without the planet.

Thor, on the other hand, has had a lot more practice, and he knows that his power comes from within (basically, he doesn't even need his hammer to channel it).

Other fans think that Odin's choice to be a benevolent ruler of Asgard and to be the king of the people is why Odin ends up "mortal."

Ego wanted the power for himself, whereas Odin decided it to use it for the good of his people – and that's how they are so different.

If Thor and Peter are both half Celestial, and we know how strong Thor has become, we can only imagine what the future has in store for Star-Lord.

Will he be a match for the God of Thunder? Could happen.