
Martin Scorsese Is Still Not Over One Actor’s Impromptu for The Wolf of Wall Street

Martin Scorsese Is Still Not Over One Actor’s Impromptu for The Wolf of Wall Street
Image credit: Paramount Pictures, Legion-Media

Seems like the proclaimed director foresaw their bright future in Hollywood.

Martin Scorsese is one of the few industry vets who has been around for several decades hitting the audience with brilliant movies and sweeping all the prestigious awards, so his praise is nothing but a real golden ticket to overall success in Hollywood.

Though the proclaimed filmmaker is mostly known for his numerous collaborations with the modern cinema’s giants like Robert De Niro or Leonardo DiCaprio, there’s yet another big figure who actually owes her skyrocketed career to Scorsese’s high-rated big hit.

Ironically, her debut fierce improvisation is what mesmerizes Scorsese to this day.

In one of his interviews a few days ago, Scorsese revealed that he’d been left in shock by Margot Robbie ’s improvised performance for The Wolf of Wall Street’s audition. In the movie released back in 2013, Robbie, at that time a very young, yet aspiring actress, starred alongside Leonardo DiCaprio as his on-screen wife Naomi Lapaglia, and this was surely the moment when Robbie’s career got the biggest boost possible.

Martin Scorsese Is Still Not Over One Actor’s Impromptu for The Wolf of Wall Street - image 1

The actress got an instant and worldwide fame that later on landed her other major roles in movies like Suicide Squad, I, Tonya, Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood, Babylon, Barbie and many others.

Speaking about the time he got to work with Robbie for the first and now the only time, Scorsese admitted that he was never able to even compare the actress to anyone else in the industry, as she seems to have absorbed very different traits to be as versatile on the screen as possible.

According to the director, apart from all the merits that Robbie demonstrates by her extremely successful career, she also has “a unique audacity that surprises and challenges and just burns like a brand into every character she plays.”

Scorsese then recalled meeting the actress for the first time when she auditioned for The Wolf of Wall Street, and that was the moment when Robbie completely blew Scorsese away “by hauling off and giving Leonardo DiCaprio a thunderclap of a slap on the face, an improvisation that stunned us all.”

Martin Scorsese Is Still Not Over One Actor’s Impromptu for The Wolf of Wall Street - image 2

Yet even with all that raving success Margot Robbie’s movies get as soon as they hit the screens, Scorsese is reassured that the actress deserves more recognition.

With Robbie’s career has been flourishing in recent years, it won’t come as a surprise if the actress will soon make it to Hollywood’s awards season (well, she’s already on her way), and Scorsese’s wish will finally come true.

Source: Time