Like it Or Not, Daemon and Rhaenyra Really Are Soulmates... From Hell

Like it Or Not, Daemon and Rhaenyra Really Are Soulmates... From Hell
Image credit: HBO

House of the Dragon's most popular pairing has undeniable chemistry. Is that a good thing? That's another question.

Over the first season of House of the Dragon, we had the questionable pleasure to watch the relationship of Daemon and Rhaenyra Targaryen develop for well over ten years. The duo quickly became a fan favorite couple, with people hailing them as true soulmates and blasting anyone who dares to point out that their relationship might be toxic.

It would be unfair to say that the chemistry between Daemon and Rhaenyra is a stretch. There are plenty of moments in the show that prove that they are, in fact, soulmates.

As pointed out by Twitter user @rhaenyratrgryns in a lengthy thread, the show is filled with proof that Daemon and Rhaenyra are made for each other. The very beginning has Daemon giving Rhaenyra a Valyrian steel necklace so that a part of their ancestry is with them even when they are apart. The necklace was conveniently there for Rhaenyra to touch when she missed Daemon and thought of him; and let's be honest, she did that a lot.

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Besides, as the thread notes, both feel depressed and alone when they're apart; when the show had them separated for around ten years, they basically suffered until their reconciliation.

However, their relationship is far from healthy, and we get proof of that when we see Daemon choking Rhaenyra in episode 10 of the first season. The scene has triggered pretty much everyone in the fandom, with Daemyra shippers arguing that it was a deliberate move by the showrunners to undermine the couple, and the rest of the fandom using it as an illustration for the duo's "toxicity".

The truth, like it always happens, might be somewhere in between, which is only natural for a show where everyone is "morally grey". If you have seen the first season, it's truly hard to deny that Daemon and Rhaenyra are indeed soulmates who are "destined to burn together".

But is burning together actually the happily ever after everyone dreams of?