Key Moment In Bridgerton S2 When Writers Should Have Killed That Ridiculous Love Triangle

Key Moment In Bridgerton S2 When Writers Should Have Killed That Ridiculous Love Triangle
Image credit: Legion-Media

Why all the unnecessary drama when there could be more love scenes and romance?

Bridgerton season 2 was very nerve-wracking for the fans. While waiting for the power couple to finally have some time to develop their on-screen romance, the audience got nothing but nonsense drama on all fronts.

We had several variations of family drama, like the one between the Sharma sisters, or the one where Anthony "has" to fulfill his moral duty and marry the girl he was courting.

Well, a lot of things that could be skipped in the name of what's really important.

So the biggest question of the season was, when will the young and almost stupidly naive Edwina figure out what is really going on around her?

Anthony and Kate's chemistry was obvious to almost everyone on the show, except for the blindsided Edwina.

For fans, the love triangle the writers created with the Sharma sisters and Anthony Bridgerton was ridiculously long and never needed to be extended until the end of the series.

"Edwina finding out at the altar, in her wedding dress and in front of 100 people, is so rough! Her finding out by seeing them almost kiss or overhearing a conversation would be cliche, but anything is better than what happened to her," Reddit user Sparkle_Markle said.

After binge-watching the series several times, fans seem to find the perfect episode where it all could have ended at one time, leaving the rest of the show for Kathony to grow into each other and discover true love.

"I just rewatched episode 2x04 and the end of this episode should have been when the love triangle ended. It's just a thought but, after this episode, all 3 mains just became worse.

It made Kate, a martyr, Anthony, a f*cking a*shole, and Edwina, it brought out the fact that she was so naive that it bordered on stupid and spoiled [...]," Reddit user SmokeInYourPerfume said.

The ending of this episode really came as a shock to fans. After Anthony so confidently told his sister Daphne that he knew what he had to do, there was really nothing else he could do but break up with Edwina.

At least privately, so as not to humiliate her. But instead... Well, he does the exact opposite and then some, which just adds more nonsense to the plot.

So for now we can only hope that at least season 3 will give us something that we can enjoy about Kate and Anthony, although it's well-known that the center of attention is going to be Penelope and Colin.