
Jason Momoa Went Out of His Way to Piss Off His Mother with This Puny Fast X Detail

Jason Momoa Went Out of His Way to Piss Off His Mother with This Puny Fast X Detail
Image credit: Legion-Media

Jason Momoa's a wholesome man, and he enjoys a good laugh. While shooting Fast X, the actor went the extra mile or two just to make his mother cringe while watching.

You know you did an amazing job when the massive loyal audience of a popular franchise that's been running for over two decades immediately recognizes you as the guy who provided them with the most charming and memorable villain to have ever tried to kill their favorite protagonist.

While this sounds like an oddly specific definition of success, this is exactly what happened to Jason Momoa.

The Fast and Furious franchise has been there since 2001, and it was admittedly all out of juice — but then, Momoa's Dante Reyes came in and made the 10th (!) installment of the franchise the best one in many years.

Apart from Jason Momoa's undeniable acting genius that shined in the movie, another huge factor that made Dante Reyes such a memorable character was his style.

Momoa's brutal physical appearance combined with peculiar clothing and design choices led to him being captivating to both look at and follow plot-wise.

One of the more interesting style choices regarding Dante Reyes is his color scheme: starting from his car to his fingernails, there are touches of lavender everywhere you look.

Recently, Jason Momoa was asked if this color was supposed to reveal something about his character — and why was it chosen in the first place.

The real reason behind this pretty unexpected color choice is so Jason that it's actually hilarious.

The thing is, no one on the crew wanted to paint his car lavender, but Momoa kept pushing it and finally won… All just because he wanted to piss off his mother!

"The whole thing behind lavender is that my mother absolutely despises that color and I adore that color. <...> I'm excited for her to see me in full pinks and purples, and it will just make her cringe. So that gives me a lot of joy," laughed the actor.

While Jason's motivation to paint his car, nails, and who knows what else purple was to make his Mom mad and have a good laugh together, his other style-related choices are based on a whole different approach the actor, too, chose himself.

"I really was inspired by pastel colors. I wanted something that was warm and inviting and then when you got close to him, you were just like, 'That's the devil and the devil tricked me,'" explained Momoa.

Regardless of the feud with his mother, in the end, together with the designers Jason worked out a truly unique and memorable style for his character.

Dante Reyes, the charming devil that he is, has definitely captured the hearts and minds of the Fast X audience, and he's already recognized as the best villain in the franchise ever.

Source: Screen Rant