"Irredeemable" Character Yellowstone Fans Had Enough Of Already

Image credit: Paramount

There is one character in Yellowstone that fans are not willing to forgive.

It's true, after watching siblings Beth (Kelly Reilly) and Jamie (Wes Bentley) clash for most of the series (including a huge twist in season four), fans are beginning to take sides.

Family issues have always been at the heart of Yellowstone and season four was no different. The season opened (spoilers ahead) with Beth blaming Jamie for the attack on the Dutton family. It seems suspicious that Jamie was the only family member that wasn't assaulted. Indeed, the suspicions are confirmed once Jamie's biological father, Garrett (Will Patton), comes into play. Later, when Beth discovers Jamie didn't turn in his biological father for the assault, she utilizes it as blackmail.

There is no doubt that Jamie has made his fair share of grave mistakes. Murdering a reporter and covering up the death as an accident, for example, is not one of Jamie's finer moments. However, despite his dark, twisted past – most fans find Beth even more unlikable.

Redditors have a lot to say about the subject. It seems that the general consensus is despite the writers of Yellowstone attempting to transform Jamie into the villain, it's Beth who is more deserving of the role. Indeed, the Reddit thread features many commenters that would prefer Beth turning into the antagonist for season five.

It appears that Beth's allegiance to her father, John (Kevin Costner ), as well as her unwillingness to forgive Jamie is what doesn't sit well with audiences. The consensus is that Beth doesn't need to forgive Jamie for what he has done in the past, but that also doesn't excuse everything horrible Beth has done since season one.

Fans do not like Jamie being at the mercy of Beth. It's clear the only daughter of John and Evelyn got huge leverage over Jamie in the latter part of season four and, considering her cruel and manipulative ways, isn't done with getting revenge.

In fact, Beth's vengeance is what is turning people off to Yellowstone. Reddit users acknowledge as much with desperate pleas for the writers to ax Beth off the show. Moreover, many are rooting for Jamie's redemption in season five as well as reconciling with John. However, that seems like a tall order given how much the recently elected Montana governor prefers his only daughter.

Regardless, something needs to happen between the sibling rivalry, according to Redditors. As one user summarized, the show needs to finally write off one of the two siblings to maintain interest moving forward. Yes, the dynamics between the three children have inspired much of the storyline, but now it just seems like the drama is manufactured.