
Insane Hunger Games Theory: Katniss and Prequel Lucy May Be Related

Insane Hunger Games Theory: Katniss and Prequel Lucy May Be Related
Image credit: globallookpress

It seems like it's 2012 again. How else would you explain that The Hunger Games (prequel) is making the headlines again?

The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes is set to come out in November, but fans can't wait that long to entertain themselves with the craziest theories.

One of them even suggests that Katniss Everdeen, the original protagonist, could be related to the leading lady of the prequel, Lucy Gray Baird. Can you believe it?

Well, this theory does have some backing. For starters, both Katniss and Lucy are from District 12 (Suzanne Collins sure knows how to play favorites, huh?). Is there more?

The girls also share a love of botany and seem to know quite a lot about the subject. Although we have to say that we are not sure if this is a gift that can be passed down from generation to generation.

If that weren't enough, The Hanging Tree song might play an important role in both tributes' lives – and Mockingjays could end up helping Lucy survive, just as they have Katniss. If they are related, trouble is definitely what runs in their veins!

Other people, fans of the book, of course, believe that it's more likely that Katniss is related to Lucy's cousin, Maude Ivory Baird.

She is actually eight or nine years old during the events of the story, and it might be more fitting for her to be Katniss' grandmother age-wise.

We don't know much about Maude since she is a background character, but in the book, her cousin Lucy notes Maude's exceptional ability to remember songs that she has once heard.

Remind you of anyone, in particular, perhaps another District 12 survivor, who never forgets a tune?

Katniss certainly shares that skill with Maude, and she sings the tunes that the Covey used to perform (yes, The Hanging Tree included). Incidentally, it was Katniss' dad who taught her the song in the first place.

Lucy's fate is unknown at the end of the book, but we are aware that Maude stays in District 12. She very well could have married and had a son who could have eventually become Katniss' father. Not so unfathomable, right?

We'll have to wait and see until November to find out if the movie offers more details and possible connections between the two than the book.

The author, though, has never confirmed any of these theories (yet!).