
Indiana Jones' Best Romance Actually Turns Him Into a Huge Creep

Indiana Jones' Best Romance Actually Turns Him Into a Huge Creep
Image credit: globallookpress

Indiana Jones is a household name when it comes to adventure movies. He's known for his courage, intelligence, and his ability to overcome any obstacle.

However, his tumultuous relationship with Marion Ravenwood, which is arguably his best and most iconic love interest, has been the center of controversy for over 40 years.

While some may argue that the age gap between the two isn't that extreme, taking a closer look into their history reveals something disturbing.

Marion is the daughter of Abner Ravenwood, a renowned archeologist and treasure hunter who worked alongside Indiana Jones.

They met in 1925 while Marion and Abner were hunting for the Ark of the Covenant. Indy quickly becomes infatuated with Marion and begins a romantic relationship with her, despite her being around 15 or 16 years old, and he's around a decade older than her.

This is undoubtedly an inappropriate dynamic, and Indy should have been aware of that, considering he knew that Marion was Abner's young daughter.

After a decade-long hiatus, Marion and Indy cross paths again in 1936. Marion is kidnapped, and Indiana saves her during one of his notorious adventures.

Indiana Jones' Best Romance Actually Turns Him Into a Huge Creep - image 1

However, their relationship remains complicated as Indy isn't the most reliable partner, and he ghosted her on more than one occasion.

After some other unfortunate Indy-related incidents, Marion ends up pregnant, and they almost get married.

However, Indy backs out of the wedding, and both her and her baby are left behind in what can only be construed as a douchbag move on Indiana's side.

While some argue that Indy was unaware of Marion's age, scenes in the movie suggest otherwise. When they reunite after a decade, Marion accuses him of taking advantage of her when she was young and in love.

Indiana's response is dismissive and shifts the blame onto Marion. His response shows little remorse for his behavior, and it's clear that Indiana Jones isn't the hero we thought he was.

Marion's age isn't the only problematic thing about their relationship, though. Indy's tendency to leave her behind and their dysfunctional dynamic throughout the movies are also concerning.

Unfortunately, the creators of the Indiana Jones franchise didn't handle their relationship appropriately, and it has tainted the legacy of one of the greatest adventure movie series of all time.

Basically, Indiana Jones' relationship with Marion Ravenwood reveals him to be a huge creep.

While the movies may still be enjoyable to watch, there's a definite need to acknowledge that their relationship is problematic and contributing to a larger issue in Hollywood.

It's essential to recognize these issues in our popular culture so that we can learn from them and demand better representation going forward.