If HBO Wanted Another GoT Spinoff, Sansa's Would Make Much More Sense

If HBO Wanted Another GoT Spinoff, Sansa's Would Make Much More Sense
Image credit: HBO

No offense to Jon Snow, but we’ve seen enough.

After the tragic failure that was the Game of Thrones finale, it was surprising to see such a high demand to continue the story and expand the world. Although people who fell in love with the universe created by George R.R. Martin were more cautious about what HBO would make of it now, they were still willing to give the network another chance.

House of the Dragon has become living proof of how great of a show you can create by taking into consideration all the criticism you get the first time around.

Although it isn’t perfect, the production quality is so great that viewers fell in love with it immediately, and the show was renewed for season 2 the very next day.

Now that the creators have tasted the success of one spinoff, they want to continue with another, but this time focusing on the life of the original series' character rather than its predecessors. While the decision is admirable, as Game of Thrones fans tend to miss the original cast, the choice of this particular character is questionable.

If HBO Wanted Another GoT Spinoff, Sansa's Would Make Much More Sense - image 1

The next spinoff that the network plans to release will focus on Jon Snow and his adventures on the Wall.

While it's always nice to know that you might see the familiar faces, many fans would argue that Jon's sisters have far more interesting storylines. Arya, being the adventurer that she is, isn't likely to return to Winterfell anytime soon, so following her would mean expanding the world further than we've ever seen before.

With Sansa ruling the North, this would be even more interesting, as she would be the one responsible for continuing the Starks' legacy. Now that she's a reigning queen, she'll have to think about the heirs to the throne one day, and that would mean searching for a lord who would make a good husband.

Who would you rather watch a spinoff series about?

Knowing how much nostalgia the Starks hold for fans who have been rooting for these characters since day one, a spinoff based on Sansa and the rest of the North's story seems like a much better and more commercially viable idea. However, that would depend on whether Sophie Turner would be willing to return to her role.

Stay tuned for more news and updates on HBO's latest Game of Thrones show and any other ideas the studio may have in mind.