How General Hospital Star Saved The Soap Some Cash With Great Improv Skills

How General Hospital Star Saved The Soap Some Cash With Great Improv Skills
Image credit: ABC

Every retake counts!

If you are a fan of General Hospital or any other soap that matches its pacing, you know how great it is to get the episodes every day, but you also know at what cost it can be done.

You will notice that most of the action takes place in the same locations over and over again, and some sets are transformed into others. Some actors would come in as others go out, and of course, there is almost no way to get an entire week to focus on your favorites just because of how many characters there are.

What you probably don't know as a viewer is how hard it is to keep the production going at the necessary speed. Of course, most of the time the General Hospital set works perfectly like a clock, with so many years to perfect the rhythm. But sometimes things get out of control, no matter how hard everyone tries.

And that's when the actors can step in and save the day. And a good buck for the production, if they're lucky.

This was just such an opportunity for Sharon Wyatt when her character Tiffany Hill was filmed on the street instead of on the set.

Filming in public can always be tricky because of the various permits that need to be obtained and the specifics of lighting and sound. Also, when you film outdoors, you are likely to have an audience around you.

In Wyatt's case, it wasn't exactly a crowd, but a fan made it right up to the actress and alerted everyone with a "Hey, that's Tiffany." Knowing how much trouble it would be to get another take, the actress responded brilliantly by ad-libbing, "You must recognize me from one of my movies."

Although General Hospital is not big on ad-libbing, this particular moment was so quick and smart on Sharon Wyatt's part that it made it into the final cut. Despite the fact that Tiffany Hill was not a very long-lived character on the show, the actress made sure that she would always be remembered in the best way possible.