How Far Will Homelander Go In Season 4? Possibilities Are Endless

How Far Will Homelander Go In Season 4? Possibilities Are Endless
Image credit: Legion-Media

Is Homelander going to cross the line in season 4?

While waiting for season 4 of The Boys, fans keep speculating on what we might see in the upcoming installment of the superhero satire series.

Of course, one of the main subjects of discussion is Homelander ingeniously portrayed by Antony Starr, given he is one of the most (if not the most) popular faces of the show.

After Homelander lasered a civilian who threw a bottle at his son in the finale of season 3, it is not yet clear what we can expect from him in the next season.

Here are some of the theories that look the most plausible

1. Mass destruction

The most ferocious theory that implies Homelander going into full rage mode.

After killing a civilian, as we could see in the finale he still had the support of his fans and this might make him think that he can do literally anything with the love of his own cult army — from straight-up murdering civilians to taking down powerful people.

2. Homelander and Stan Edgar

This theory intends Homelander potential teaming-up with Stan Edgar.

After the incident of murdering the protester, the public reaction might be too harsh for Homelander to handle. Even though he is a psychopath, he still needs the public's love and approval.

Stan Edgar might be just a perfect man to help Homelander salvage his reputation in exchange for some help or cooperation.

3. Homelander for president

As Homelander is pretty close with Victoria Neuman who is running for president, this theory might become true.

If the public reaction after the incident isn't that hard, Homelander may try to run for president with the support of his cult alongside Victoria Neuman.

How Far Will Homelander Go In Season 4? Possibilities Are Endless - image 1

4. Homelander's redemption

This theory is crazy, yet intriguing. Again, Victoria Neuman is running for president and it is definitely not good news for the Boys. But according to this theory, Homelander won't try to become a president.

Instead, as the Boys gain more popularity, Homelander might join them to take out Victoria Newman as he is the one who knows her well.

By helping the boys, Homelander may get redemption or forgiveness to fix his reputation.

Whatever Homelander is preparing for us in season 4, fans are absolutely on edge and would love to see any of these theories come true as any Homelander development is guaranteed to make fans admire or hate this character.

Nobody will be left indifferent.