House of the Dragon Best Character? The One You Forgot Too Quickly

House of the Dragon Best Character? The One You Forgot Too Quickly
Image credit: HBO

Matt Smith and Emma D’Arcy are cool, but do you remember the most striking acting performance of the whole show?

House of the Dragon was given an almost impossible task. Game of Thrones is considered a cultural phenomenon; it has raised the bar for quality and changed the way TV series are produced. However, all fans know that the first rule of this fandom is not to talk about the latest seasons.

The series' controversial finale, which was not supported by the original source material, undermined the audience's trust in the universe. It took a lot of skill and effort to fish something worthwhile out of the ashes and ruins that Benioff and Weiss left behind.

The first promotional footage of the series left conflicting impressions, and casting decisions raised questions. Some fans awaited House of the Dragon armed with skepticism, bias, and a willingness to bury the project under tons of criticism. But the first episode came out, and for many, skepticism gave way to surprise and then excitement.

House of The Dragon’s Best Decision Is to Reduce the Number of Characters

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House of the Dragon is a costume drama with a lot of dialog, with the main battles taking place in the small council chamber rather than on the battlefield. Many people stopped watching Game of Thrones at the very beginning because the viewer was thrown into a huge number of characters that were almost impossible to remember.

One of the advantages of House of the Dragon is that it abandoned this approach and in the first season, it introduced a fairly limited group of characters, each of whom had time to develop.

Paddy Considine’s Viserys Was Undeservedly Overshadowed by Other Characters

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But while everyone was discussing Emma D’Arcy, Matt Smith and Olivia Cooke, another member of the cast remained in the shadows, completely undeservedly – Paddy Considine, who played Viserys.

“He stole every scene he was in and he absolutely should’ve been recognized for his performance.” Reddit user libra00 wrote.

Furthermore, George Martin himself admitted that the Viserys Considine shown on the show is better than the Viserys Martin himself described in the books. And perhaps that praise is better than all the awards the actor has failed to receive for his brilliant performance.

Viserys Inspires More Sympathy Than Any Other House of The Dragon Character

Throughout the series, Viserys Targaryen slowly dies of an unknown disease. However, despite his advanced age and physical illness, he retains a clear mind to the end, unlike most of his relatives and descendants.

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Viserys is the only character in the series who sincerely tries to smooth out the rough edges and reconcile the family. Considine's character also deserves the title of the world's best dad – it is hard to imagine anyone in a medieval fantasy being so fiercely protective of a woman's right to power and independence. In the end, it was Viserys who made Rhaenyra heir to the throne, despite great opposition from courtiers who did not want to see the princess on the Iron Throne.

Paddy Considine did an excellent job playing a deeply wretched character who suffers both mentally and physically. After watching the eighth episode, the only desire is to cry eyes out and give him all the Emmys in the world.