
Hot Take: Hermione Would Become Umbridge If She Hadn't Met Harry and Ron

Hot Take: Hermione Would Become Umbridge If She Hadn't Met Harry and Ron
Image credit: Legion-Media

Hermione is a smart, brave, and loyal friend who always stands up for what is right.

However, her nerdiness and adherence to the rules could have turned her into one of the main villains in the entire J.K. Rowling world.

Dolores Umbridge is the universally hated figure in the Harry Potter series, and for good reason. She is a sadistic and power-hungry woman who enjoys torturing students.

She is also incredibly controlling and authoritarian, imposing strict rules and regulations on the school that limit freedom.

So how could Hermione become like Umbridge? Well, let's look at her character traits. Granger is incredibly smart and hardworking, but she can also be quite bossy and controlling.

She wants things done her way and can get frustrated when others don't follow her lead. She is also very rule-bound and likes order and structure.

Now imagine a world in which Hermione had never met Harry and Ron. Perhaps she would have continued to focus solely on her studies and her quest for academic excellence.

In this scenario, it's possible that she would have become a teacher at Hogwarts and risen through the ranks to become a powerful figure in the Ministry of Magic or even the Headmistress of the school.

As a teacher, Hermione would likely be strict and demanding, enforcing rules and regulations to ensure that her students reached the highest possible standards.

However, her desire for control could easily get out of hand and lead her to become authoritarian and oppressive, much like Umbridge.

Without the true friendship and camaraderie she found with Harry and Ron, Hermione could have grown resentful and bitter. Remember, Umbridge was also ambitious and sought power and authority.

Fans, however, disagree with this interpretation of the character. Many point out that Hermione could have been rougher and tougher, but she would still have been incredibly far from Umbridge's level.

While it's unlikely that Hermione would have become like Dolores if she hadn't met Harry and Ron, the idea is intriguing and raises important questions.

It's a reminder that even the most virtuous among us must always be careful not to let our desire for control and order lead us down a dark path.

Source: Reddit