Hidden Gems: 10 Crime Shows on Netflix Everyone Missed

Hidden Gems: 10 Crime Shows on Netflix Everyone Missed
Image credit: Netflix

Netflix is one of the most popular streaming services, pumping out original shows in large amounts, and because of the sheer number of various media surrounding us some of the gems somehow avoided the buzz and were left nearly unnoticed.

We're here to change that: these crime series deserve your attention, if you're into them, that is.

A good detective story with some suspense, some puzzlement, and some palpable tension is worth a lot, and some of these shows offer exactly that. Others focus mostly on the action aspect, showing some nice gunfights and fight scenes.

But crime shows often have a very distinct dramatic element, and in the past years, the showrunners started paying it even more attention than before.

The relationship between two cops of different generations, a father and a son, who prefer different methods in The Good Cop, makes it more of a family drama with an addition of a crime subplot than vice versa.

And that doesn't make it worse — just different. But never forget that these stories always unravel into something big and much more serious than you thought initially. That's what makes people keep watching — if they knew of the show's existence.