Here's Why Daemon Targaryen Would Not Make a Good King, According to Reddit

Here's Why Daemon Targaryen Would Not Make a Good King, According to Reddit
Image credit: Legion-Media

Daemon Targaryen was revealed to the audience as a talented strategist and a brave military man. After all, it was Daemon who did the almost impossible – he defeated the Crab Feeder using an extremely crazy and life-threatening strategy, but a working one.

After the release of episode 4, viewers may notice that Daemon is a strategist not only on the battlefield, but also in personal matters. He comes up with a seemingly outrageous plan as well, taking Rhaenyra to a brothel in order to awaken her sexuality. However, fans were left divided as to what exactly was his purpose here. Someone is sure that Daemon is just in love with Rhaenyra and that's how he wanted to seduce her. But other views also believe that the prince wanted to spoil his niece's reputation so after that the King would marry them in order to save the family's face, and thus Daemon would become closer to the throne.

However, despite his courage and good strategic skills, fans don't consider that Daemon is suitable for the role of King at all. Moreover, they believe he would be unhappy as a King, because Daemon is disgusted by everything boring and "correct". There are few chances for him to display "royal behavior", since Daemon prefers a dissolute and free lifestyle he is unlikely to abandon. Daemon is wayward and inaccurate in his statements – his insensitive joke about Viserys' dead son alone is illustrating that perfectly. After it he was banished from King's Landing. Such impulsiveness, both in words and in actions, would clearly prevent him from becoming a successful king.

"Daemon would be miserable as King! He likes being a loose cannon and that's definitely not very Kingly behavior. (Or at least, he wouldn't be King for long behaving like that.) Viserys should have played the game better and kept Daemon close," Reddit user aangita suggested.

One shouldn't forget that Daemon is unnecessarily cruel. At the beginning of the series, using his official position, the prince kills many people under the pretext that they are all robbers and criminals. Although in fact he did not even waste time to figure out who of them really broke the law, but who was simply caught at a bad time.

But there is also a popular opinion among fans that Daemon has no plans to become king at all. Perhaps he just likes to play these games for his own entertainment and to annoy the King and his Hand Otto at the same time. It's no longer a secret to anyone that Daemon simply can't stand Otto, so this fan theory is quite plausible.

"Daemon is definitely a 5D chess player. He outplayed Otto, and "sexually liberated" his niece on the same night in one move. I do get the vibe that he respects her more than his brother but I think he is only turned on by the prospect of pissing off Otto and Viserys. I don't even think he wants the throne," Reddit user Kidus333 commented.

New episodes of 'House of the Dragon ' premiere on HBO Max every Sunday.