Hated Lost Finale? You Are Not Alone: Michelle Rodriguez Was Disappointed Too

Hated Lost Finale? You Are Not Alone: Michelle Rodriguez Was Disappointed Too
Image credit: Legion-Media

Lost was a show that started well and then got kind of…well lost.

And when the final episode aired, fans were quick to vent their frustration at how a show many of them had been invested in for six seasons was concluded.

And if you were one of the millions who hated the finale, you're not alone. Michelle Rodriquez didn't like it either.

In an interview with Wired, the actor said that she was "disappointed they went the Bible route".

With most of the remaining characters appearing in a church at the end of the finale before heading off to the afterlife, Rodriguez (who played Ana Lucia Cortez in Season 2) said she had expected something "more sci-fi" or "black hole".

Exactly what the ending of Lost meant is still the subject of fandom debate to this day. And despite her surprise at the route the finale took, she did go on to say that it was "still fun".

There is a feeling, though, that the reason a lot of fans don't like the ending is mainly down to the fact they don't understand it.

And this miscomprehension may be just as easily applied to the thoughts of Michelle Rodriguez as to many other viewers.

The 'Bible route' that she mentioned led many to believe that the characters had been dead right from the beginning of the show.

If true, this would have rendered everything that happened on the island pointless. Moreover, it would mean that none of the flashbacks meant anything or added to the story in any authentic way.

Now, after six seasons, this would understandably annoy viewers. It would also be a cop-out. The 'they're all dead theory' began pretty much from episode 1 and is hardly a ground-breaking concept.

So, it would have cheated the audience out of an ending they could really believe in.

So you could argue that the reason the Lost finale was so universally unpopular was because it failed to properly convey what had happened to the characters. So, is it worth watching again with fresh eyes? Absolutely.

And we maybe shouldn't be too surprised that Michelle Rodriguez wasn't a fan of the ending. She couldn't even remember when she appeared in the show.

Asked by Hugh Grant when it was that she had appeared in Lost, the San Antonio-born actor said "I have no idea" describing herself as a "horrible calendar person".

She did guess right, though, when she went on to say she thought it was in season 2.