
Harry Potter: What Did Voldemort Plan to Use for His Final, Potter-Fueled Horcrux?

Harry Potter: What Did Voldemort Plan to Use for His Final, Potter-Fueled Horcrux?
Image credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Lord Voldemort wanted to use the Potters’ deaths to create his final, sixth Horcrux. But what object did he plan to use for it?


  • According to Dumbledore, Voldemort likely wanted to use the Potters’ deaths to create his sixth and final Horcrux.
  • His previous Horcruxes included three Hogwarts Founders’ artifacts, making the Gryffindor’s Sword his next target.
  • In the end, the Sword not only didn’t become a Horcrux but was also used to destroy three other Horcruxes.

Lord Voldemort had always planned to split his soul into seven parts; for that, he needed to create six Horcruxes. By the time the Dark Lord came for the Potter family, he’d already created five of them, and according to Dumbledore, he was likely planning to use the Potters’ murder to create the final Horcrux.

We all know how that went for him.

But the question is, what did Voldemort plan to turn into his final Horcrux?

Voldemort Wanted to Finish His Collection

Harry Potter: What Did Voldemort Plan to Use for His Final, Potter-Fueled Horcrux? - image 1

The ridiculous egomaniac that he was, Lord Voldemort almost exclusively wanted powerful artifacts and objects of historical importance to house his soul’s pieces. By the time he’d arrived at Godric’s Hollow, he already had the Ring and the Diary… And the peculiar combination of the Locket, the Cup, and the Diadem.

The three iconic artifacts from the three legendary Hogwarts Founders.

And only one was left to complete his collection.

With the Slytherin’s Locket, the Hufflepuff’s Cup, and the Ravenclaw’s Diadem already corrupted, only the Gryffindor’s Sword remained until all four Founders’ items would have been turned into Lord Voldemort’s Horcruxes. His ego demanded he complete the collection, so it’s safe to assume the Sword was his final target.

Voldemort Had a Plan to Obtain the Sword

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Unlike the other Founders’ trinkets, the Godric Gryffindor’s Sword wasn’t as easy to get as it was stored in the Hogwarts Headmaster’s — Albus Dumbledore’s — office. However, the Sword was known to be summoned by worthy Gryffindors in time of dire need, and Voldemort was known to put many Gryffindors in such conditions.

According to SuperCarlinBrothers’ theory, Lord Voldemort planned to use Lily and James Potters’ desperation to make them summon the Sword. Alternatively, he might have been using the attacks on Gryffindors, like the Prewett brothers, to obtain the Sword through some of them and then keep it to turn into the final Horcrux.

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He might have even succeeded, too.

The Sword could have simply vanished after the Potters and their killer’s deaths, ruining already-destroyed Voldemort’s plans further. His dream collection was never meant to happen: in the end, the Gryffindor’s Sword not only avoided housing a piece of the Dark Lord’s soul but also became one of the few weapons that could destroy Horcruxes and took down Nagini, the Locket, and the Ring.

Source: SuperCarlinBrothers via YouTube