
Harry Potter: Voldemort Wanted to Pull a Deathly Hallows Stunt Back in Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter: Voldemort Wanted to Pull a Deathly Hallows Stunt Back in Goblet of Fire
Image credit: Warner Bros.

Have you ever wondered why Harry Potter was even able to use the portkey to escape from the graveyard in The Goblet of Fire? Why was it enchanted this way?

In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the breaking point of the entire story happens: Lord Voldemort, the Dark wizard who was considered dead for over a dozen years, comes back to life. While things like this are typically considered impossible, he did it thanks to a Dark ritual that involved his most hated enemy — a fourteen-year-old boy.

Harry Potter himself was borderline crucial for the ritual to succeed: the rules implied that Voldemort could use any enemy of his for it, but he also used it to bypass Harry’s blood protection by sharing it. Thus, the Dark Lord’s elaborate plan to get Harry to the graveyard unnoticed was created and mapped out.

But we all know about this, don’t we? There’s a different detail that almost bothered us: not the way Harry was brought to the graveyard but the way he escaped from there. Why in Merlin’s name was he able to use the same portkey to port back to Hogwarts? Why would Lord Voldemort enchant it to be bidirectional at all?

From all we know, Voldemort only needed to bring Harry in for the ritual to succeed. Then, he called for his Death Eaters to arrive — and tried to kill Harry. Voldemort’s plan involved murdering The Boy Who Lived in a duel to show how strength to his followers… And seemingly, there was no reason for him to make the portkey bidirectional.


Harry Potter: Voldemort Wanted to Pull a Deathly Hallows Stunt Back in Goblet of Fire - image 1

Unless Lord Voldemort’s plan was a lot more daring than we’re used to thinking. Our bet is that after killing Harry in the graveyard, Voldemort and his Death Eaters were supposed to port back to Hogwarts together, bypassing its security entirely, and turning the Triwizard Tournament into a slaughter and a demonstration of strength.

Voldemort didn’t want to hide: just like he did later in The Deathly Hallows, he wanted to show the whole world the breathless body of The Boy Who Lived; and just like he did later, he wanted to butcher everyone who would dare to stand in his way immediately. He wanted to make a statement right then and there, alright.

Harry Potter: Voldemort Wanted to Pull a Deathly Hallows Stunt Back in Goblet of Fire - image 2

There was no better chance for it than the Triwizard Tournament which saw wizards from across all Europe present there as well as the Ministry officials. This plan was as daring as it was suicidal since we don’t think even Lord Voldemort could’ve successfully stood against all the powerful mages, including Dumbledore.

But regardless of how stupid this idea was, it didn’t work out: Harry used Voldemort’s carefully prepared bidirectional portkey to escape the graveyard alive, and instead of immediately starting a slaughter, the Dark Lord was forced to go into hiding for a year. It is what it is, and not every plan works out… Especially if it’s this stupid.