
Harry Potter Theory Reveals Snape Was Even More of a Hero Than We Thought

Harry Potter Theory Reveals Snape Was Even More of a Hero Than We Thought
Image credit: Warner Bros.

Hogwarts' most relentless teacher saved more than just the Chosen One.

For years, many fans disliked the Potions Master because of his arrogant attitude toward Harry Potter. Snape seemed to hold a grudge deep in his soul, and he tried to take it out on the boy.

And it was in Deathly Hallows that the audience was given some answers that revealed the past of Severus, who suffered at the hands of Harry Potter's father while he was in love with his mother. During his years at Hogwarts, the professor tried to protect the boy, albeit in the most disgusting way.

And in one of the most heartbreaking scenes in the entire franchise, Snape was killed by Nagini, Voldemort's snake and Horcrux. Harry Potter saw the professor die in the Pensieve, but the moment also left fans with questions. Severus put up no defense at all when the terrifying creature attacked him.

And Redditor Pearse_Borty Pearse_Borty also speculates as to why Snape would allow himself to be killed instead of even trying to escape.

In The Half-Blood Prince, Severus makes an Unbreakable Vow to protect Draco, regardless of the danger to his own life. And when Voldemort tries to ask the professor who owns the Elder Wand, Snape replies that it answers only to him.

The Redditor thinks this is a lie, since Severus knows that the artifact answers only to Draco. The professor has long been Dumbledore's right-hand man and knows exactly how the magical accessory works.

At the end of the movie, Harry defeats Malfoy in a duel and becomes the wielder of the Elder Wand, so it refuses to obey Voldemort in the final battle and the villain kills himself.

Snape was well aware of the plan and sacrificed his life because the Dark Lord thought the artifact belonged to the professor and killed him to get the power, but in the end it led to his own defeat.

But at that point, according to the Redditor, Severus faced a paradox. If he had betrayed Draco, he would have broken his Unbreakable Vow. But it seems to the fan that if it had been anyone other than Malfoy, Snape could have easily protected himself and not sacrificed his life.

But if Severus had escaped, Voldemort would have discovered the true owner of the Elder Wand sooner or later. So the professor was not only trying to give Harry a much-needed advantage, but also to save Draco from impending doom.

Source: Reddit