
Harry Potter's Most Hated Villains That Are Not Voldemort, Ranked

Harry Potter's Most Hated Villains That Are Not Voldemort, Ranked
Image credit: Legion-Media

Harry Potter is a beloved franchise that has captured the hearts of millions around the world.

However, with every great story comes great villains. Today, however, we will not be discussing the classic bad guys, but rather the controversial characters that populate the wizarding world — and still receive plenty of hate.

In the case of the Chosen One story, there are a few figures that fans love to hate. From the cruel and manipulative Dolores Umbridge to the cowardly Peter Pettigrew, here is a list of the most hated Harry Potter evildoers.

5. Gilderoy Lockhart

A vain, self-absorbed, and incompetent Hogwarts professor and bestselling author, Lockhart was a popular character to hate among fans.

His lack of skill, cowardice, and dishonesty made him one of the most despised bad guys in the franchise. Although Lockhart did train Harry in some magic tricks.

4. Cornelius Fudge

The former Minister of Magic was known for his incompetence and refusal to believe that Voldemort had returned. Fans found him to be a frustrating wizard who failed to take action when it was needed most.

Harry Potter's Most Hated Villains That Are Not Voldemort, Ranked - image 1

3. Aunt Marge

Harry's obnoxious, abusive, and prejudiced member of the Dursley family was universally disliked by fans. Her treatment of the boy who lost his parents was despicable, and her arrogance made her insufferable.

We can say she was bloated with anger.

2. Peter Pettigrew

Cowardly and treacherous, Ron's rat Scabbers (or rather the person who pretended to be Ron's pet) was responsible for the deaths of James and Lily Potter.

In addition, Pettigrew hid in plain sight, not even shying away from becoming the pet of Harry's best friend. Not only did Pettigrew betray his friends, but he enjoyed the boy's misery year after year.

Fans hated the Wormtail's spinelessness and his willingness to do anything to save himself.

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1. Dolores Umbridge

Here is the absolute winner. Everyone hates her. The sadistic and manipulative professor (and, for a short time, headmistress of Hogwarts) is the most hated Harry Potter character.

Her cruel treatment of The Chosen One and other students, her use of the Blood Quill, and her allegiance to Voldemort made her the most hated person in the Wizarding world.

Source: Reddit