
Harry Potter Movies Sneaked a Clever Easter Egg in... Voldemort's Clothes

Harry Potter Movies Sneaked a Clever Easter Egg in... Voldemort's Clothes
Image credit: Legion-Media

A new Harry Potter show on the horizon does not mean we are done bringing you the juicy details from the original movies!

This time, let's talk about an unexpected effect that Horcruxes (or rather, their destruction) had on Voldemort (and no, it is not about his magic or his soul). Promise.

Believe it or not, a Harry Potter expert revealed that Voldemort's clothes were affected too.

In a 2019's interview, Interactor Becky Dale from Warner Bros. Studio Tour London talked about how Voldemort had seven different robes (you guessed it, one for each Horcrux), and they were "seven different shades of green."

We know you never noticed that in the movies!

Turns out, each time a Horcrux was destroyed, Voldemort's robes lost "a shade of green." As they were all getting defeated, the Dark Lord's "colors were fading."

This could actually be traced to the fact that each Harry Potter movie gets darker, representing Harry getting older and the Wizarding World becoming more dangerous.

In the same interview, Becky went on to discuss the striking difference between Tom Riddle's clothes (mostly the same Hogwarts uniform) and Voldemort's clothes (full-on wizarding robes and nothing less).

Harry Potter Movies Sneaked a Clever Easter Egg in... Voldemort's Clothes - image 1

Again, this was a metaphor for the character's transformation and rebirth.

Ralph Fiennes, who played Voldemort, also wanted the Dark Lord's entrance to any scene to be ghost-like, followed by a lot of "smoke."

This was why Voldemort could "appear and disappear whenever he wanted" – the actor just wished to make the character as spooky as possible. Well, he succeeded marvelously!

Becky unveiled another mystery about Voldemort's clothes: the costume people "never finished the bottom" of his robes, leaving them without a "hem."

The main purpose of the hem was to "drag down" the robes, and that apparently was not the Dark Lord's style.

His robes were the only ones without a hem in all the movies!

The expert's final revelation was the reason why Voldemort never wore any shoes. It had to do with the fact that he was "reborn," he was "fresh and new," and "his robes were meant to feel like a second layer of skin."

You may have noticed that the Dark Lord didn't really trim his nails, and that was done to remind the viewers that he was "an orphan" and that he hadn't been "brought up" properly.

That actually makes so much sense!

Well, we certainly found out a lot about Voldemort today, what about you?

Source: YouTube / Harry Potter