
Harry Potter Finale Left a Tough Question We Won't Ever Learn the Answer to

Harry Potter Finale Left a Tough Question We Won't Ever Learn the Answer to
Image credit: Warner Bros.

After the Battle of Hogwarts ended and Voldemort was finally destroyed, peaceful life began…for Harry Potter’s supporters. What happened to the Death Eaters’ kids, though?

The Second Wizarding War was long and exhausting. Throughout the three years after Lord Voldemort’s return, many people have died, and most of them were innocent: Muggles tortured to death, wizards who dared to oppose the Dark Lord, and virtually everyone else who got in the Death Eaters’ way somehow.

The aftermath of this war was truly devastating for the already small wizarding community of Great Britain, but still, people could finally have a chance at a peaceful life. Lord Voldemort met his demise, his minions were either killed or imprisoned, and the good folks of the Wizarding World could carry on with their lives.

Adult mages returned to their jobs, Harry and his friends got started with their careers, and Hogwarts students returned to school with no fear of facing the Cruciatus curse for failing a task. However, there is one group, a pretty large group, whose fate was never even mentioned: the children of the Death Eaters.

While the Death Eaters were monsters that were killing and torturing innocent civilians, they got what was coming to them: either death or Azkaban. Their kids, on the other hand… It’s only morally correct to not put the blame for the parents’ sins on their children, so it’s unlikely they got punished — but they were left all alone.

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Draco Malfoy is the only Death Eater kid whose fate we’re aware of, but he’s a terrible example. First of all, he was a Death Eater himself; second of all, he was in a unique position where his family managed to get away thanks to the help his mother Narcissa provided to Harry Potter. If it wasn’t for her, Harry would’ve been dead.

But what about others?

If you remember, when Sirius Black ran away from his family’s house, he still had a younger brother, Regulus. Admittedly, Regulus was not a bad kid, and he came around in the end, losing his life attempting to undermine Lord Voldemort. Still, at the time, he was a properly brainwashed child who believed whatever his parents said.

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Most likely, there were quite a few little Regs just like him left after the final battle, whose parents were either deceased or imprisoned. Unlike the children of the wizards who fought on Harry’s side, those kids were probably very much not welcome by their peers, and the wizarding society projected their parents’ sins on them.

What was the fate of these kids? We may never know. JKR never addressed this topic, but judging from everything we know about how people work, it’s very unlikely that the Death Eaters’ children found their spot under the sun…and with time, that might have led to them radicalizing and following in their parents’ footsteps.

A sad thought, isn’t it? And it’s not just about the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, too.