
Harry Potter Alternate Ending That Could Easily Redeem One of Most Hated Characters

Harry Potter Alternate Ending That Could Easily Redeem One of Most Hated Characters
Image credit: Legion-Media

The way that Harry Potter ended has left many fans unhappy and/or yearning for more. Well, we have an alternate ending that might be a little more to your liking.

Reddit users have been having fun reimagining the endings of their favorite sagas for years. Even Harry Potter has been the subject of some intricate fan theories about how it should have ended.

After all this time, another gem of an ending has become a hot topic.

Fans are eager for the Dursleys' redemption arc (not likely but go on). In this scenario, Vernon pulls out his shotgun and shoots Voldemort in the face, saving his nephew.

This alternate ending was better
by u/Goldenduck420 in harrypotter

Aww, what a great way to tell Harry that he loves him! He could have just been nicer to him for the first 11 years of his life, but this is so much better.

People point out that this might actually work if he "caught him by surprise."

Given the Dark Lord's disregard for Muggle technology, we would agree. The whole story could have ended back in the '70s if only some half-blood had been creative enough.

Others, however, believe that taking Voldemort by surprise would not have worked – otherwise, someone would have already tried to throw an unexpected Avada Kedavra right in his face.

Is Riddle just too careful not to let anyone catch him off guard or is it a potential plot hole? Hard to say.

Many have been saying for years that most of Harry Potter's problems can be solved simply by using Muggle technology.

Fun idea alert! Users have come up with fun scenarios that could apply.

For instance, one fan has had the perfect idea for a "Rogue One-style Vader-esque slaughter" movie: "Muggle special forces somehow trap a dark wizard in a building and have to try to take him down". We would definitely buy tickets to that!

Harry and Vernon's happy-teared reunion may be just one of our wildest fantasies (as Potterheads, aren't we entitled to them?), but it is certainly a fun one.

Here is to Harry having a loving family in an alternate universe! Better there than nowhere, right?