
Harry and Ginny Potter Could've Picked Far Worse Names for Kids, Being Celebrities

Harry and Ginny Potter Could've Picked Far Worse Names for Kids, Being Celebrities
Image credit: Legion-Media

Celebrities are typically choosing the weirdest names for their children, and to help you appreciate Albus Severus more, here's what he could've been called instead.

Ever since the last book came out, the majority of Potterheads have been calling Harry and Ginny out on naming their children poorly.

People think that "Albus Severus" and "Lily Luna" are the dumbest combinations possible, but some fans recently decided to remind others that this is far from the truth.

Seeing that Harry and Ginny Potter are literally the Wizarding World's celebrities — one of them saved Magic Britain and the other one is a world-famous Quidditch player — they could've gone for way worse names for their kids in the typical celebrity fashion. Potterheads over at the Harry Potter subreddit came up with some.

If Harry learned the wrong lesson from his second-year Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Gilderoy Lockhart, the dialogue between the father and the son at the end of The Deathly Hallows would've been very different.

Something like, "Harry James Potter Jr., you were named after the bravest man I've ever known…"

Or maybe, there is a version of Harry somewhere in the Multiverse that took after his biggest rival and never appreciated his fans or relatives…

But really loved his inanimate objects instead. Then, he would've said something like, "Expelliarmus Firebolt Potter, you are named after the best spell and broom I've ever known..."

But if Harry and Ginny had a proper celebrity mindset, things would've turned out even worse.

Some fans threw a bunch of weird symbols together to represent the couple's child's name to imitate Elon Musk's naming skills and suggested that there could be an "X Æ A-Xii Potter" that would be pronounced as "Kyle Potter."

Even though they never turned to this kind of "standing out," it's still a wonder that their kids have, like, proper human names (especially, in terms of wizards who like resorting to the weirder choices).

Considering how Ginny named an owl Pidwigeon, and a puffskein Arnold, Harry must have fought for "Albus Severus" with his life.

Source: Reddit