Game of Thrones Fans Want Standalone Shows for These Alternative Realities

Game of Thrones Fans Want Standalone Shows for These Alternative Realities
Image credit: HBO

There are one too many “what if’s” in Game of Thrones, but some of them are too interesting to simply dream about. We need fully-fledged alternative shows!


  • If Bran escaped Jaime and didn’t fall off the tower, he would have revealed the Lannister twins’ relationship, pitting King Robert against them.
  • If Ygritte killed Jon when she was supposed to, the Free Folk would have conquered the North, and then the Night King would have destroyed them.
  • If Stannis captured King’s Landing, the entire geopolitical landscape would have changed, but most importantly, Shireen would have survived.

How many times did you think to yourself, “What if this moment right here went differently?” when rewatching Game of Thrones? Because we definitely said that a lot — and apparently, so did many other fans. Here are the most interesting “what if’s” we’ve read so far, and what they could have implied for the show’s plot.

Bran Stark Escapes Jaime Lannister

Starting with the first episode, what if young Bran didn’t fall from the tower? The boy was quick and knew the walls well, so if he reacted just a bit faster and didn’t stand there stunned as Jaime spoke to him, he could have easily escaped from there and revealed the Lannister twins’ incestuous relationship to his family and the King.

With the Lannister falling out of King Robert’s graces, the plot would have changed dramatically; admittedly, it would still be Baratheons vs Lannisters, but for a whole different reason — and with other leaders.

Ygritte Kills Jon Snow When She Must

Their love was the only reason that prevented Ygritte from killing Jon when he decided to report to Night’s Watch. What if her will and duty were stronger? If she’d found the strength to shoot him there, the Watch wouldn’t have learned about either the Free Folk or the undead threats until it was too late, changing the plot massively.

The Free Folk would have crushed the Night’s Watch in a massive and unexpected attack and moved into the North, steamrolling the local holdings. But the real deal would have happened when the Night King came and there was no one to stop him.

Stannis Baratheon Captures King’s Landing

The Battle of the Blackwater is undoubtedly one of the best Game of Thrones episodes, but what if the fight itself went the other way around? If Stannis Baratheon’s army took King’s Landing, the balance of power in the Seven Kingdoms would have changed dramatically, and the consequences would have been huge.

While the entire geopolitical game would have been very different, there's only one thing we care about. After his victory, Stannis wouldn’t have grown as desperate as he did in the main continuity, and his precious daughter Shireen would have lived.