Game of Thrones: 10 Sharpest Tywin Lannister Quotes

Game of Thrones: 10 Sharpest Tywin Lannister Quotes
Image credit: HBO

For all his heinous deeds, the Warden of the West gave some incredibly sound advice.

Tywin Lannister was a man the Seven Kingdoms feared. The Lannister patriarch ruled with an iron fist, cared for nothing but his House’s legacy, and never took a pity on anyone. Lord Tywin was ruthless and efficient, and neither his children’s pleas nor laws or morale could hold him back from doing what he believed to be appropriate.

Throughout his life, the Warden of the West committed countless horrifying acts, wiping out entire families and lands to strengthen his power. Many good people were brutally killed on his orders, and even other Lannisters were scared of the patriarch. But despite all the monstrous things he’d done, Lord Tywin gave really solid advice!

We’ve collected Tywin Lannister’s best and sharpest quotes that can lead you to either another rewatch of Game of Thrones or reflecting upon this life of ours. Many things he said to his children serve surprisingly well in our mundane world, and Tywin himself would have benefited if he followed these principles, too.

This concludes the list of Tywin Lannister’s best quotes in Game of Thrones. For a wise man that he was, Lord Tywin understood surprisingly little about human’s nature as he only recognized fear as a viable form of ruling over his subjects. But if we separate the words from the speaker, it can be beneficial to live by these rules.