Fans Pick the Most Enjoyable GoT Death (And It's Not Joffrey Cause That's Just Cheating)

Fans Pick the Most Enjoyable GoT Death (And It's Not Joffrey Cause That's Just Cheating)
Image credit: Legion-Media

Game of Thrones is legendary for killing its characters. Nobody has felt safe since Ned Stark lost his head in the first season. And just when we thought that maybe one or two of our favourites might be spared the wrath of George R. R. Martin's pen, we would be swiftly proven wrong.

What resulted was a show that remained thoroughly gripping until its final moments, when we never truly knew what to expect or who would die next. Some deaths horrified us, others made us want to jump for joy. And the wild unpredictability of who would be next only added to the excitement when a loathsome character met their end.

Fans have taken to Reddit to share their most beloved GoT deaths, voting for a clear winner above all. Now, we have deliberately excluded Joffrey's gloriously slow and painful poisoning death at the Purple Wedding, as it is just far too easy. So, leaving him aside, which character's death had the most fans cheering?

There are several very strong contenders for this one. Fans seem to mostly embrace two key factors when making their decision. Firstly, how much does the individual deserve their death? And secondly, how satisfying was the death to watch?

So many characters hit the first mark. Cersei, Allister Thorne, Ollie, and Craster. The second mark is claimed by literally almost everyone who perished in the High Sept of Baelor as far as satisfying death scenes. But to win the title of most enjoyable, they must hit both categories better than any other.

Fans have put forward Walder Frey and his family being spectacularly slain by Arya Stark as one contender. Another worthy entry is Ramsay Bolton being fed to his dogs by Sansa Stark. Daenerys executing Varys by dragon fire was also popular. Meryn Trant, another revenge victim of Arya Stark, with the added revulsion of being a pedophile, ranked high on the list.

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And of course, Kyburn, being so brutally killed by the Mountain seemingly out of nowhere has the joy of seeing villains murder each other.

But drumroll please, because standing above all those is our winner… Littlefinger. A man who manipulated and betrayed most of the realm for his own selfish ends. A man who thought he was smarter than everyone else around him. And a man who tried to pit the Stark sisters against one another.

Fans loved the genuine look of shock on his face when he realised his plan had not worked and he was about to meet his end. And then seeing Arya enact such beautiful justice, in her family home, was sheer perfection.