Another Thing GoT Finale Got Wrong: Fans Call Out Dothraki Plot Hole

Another Thing GoT Finale Got Wrong: Fans Call Out Dothraki Plot Hole
Image credit: HBO

One of the most satisfying moments in Game of Thrones was Daenerys taking control of the Dothraki.

When we first met her, Dany was traded like property to Khal Drogo, so her brother could have an army to seize the Iron Throne. She was a virtual prisoner in her marriage to Drogo, but she came to fall in love with him. And he exhibited protectiveness over her and their unborn son, which only intensified her feelings.

From there, we wept as we watched her husband and son taken from Dany, leaving her seemingly with nothing. The hatching of her baby dragons saw some of her Khalasar stay with her, wanting to remain loyal to the blood of their blood, and follow the strength they saw in her. Sometime later, we see Dany execute the Khals in Vaes Dothrak. Under Dothraki law, as the widow of a Khal, she was supposed to join the Dosh Khaleen for the remainder of her days. But Dany was far too ambitious to ever consider such a fate.

The Dothraki follow strength. So after Dany burned the Khals and emerged unharmed from the flames, only to mount her mighty dragon Drogon and deliver a heart-pounding speech, of course, they were with her to the end. But then what?

Fans have pointed out a major plot hole in the GoT finale that seems utterly unresolved. What happened to the Dothraki after Dany's death? We do not see them make any moves to retaliate, and they do not accompany Grey Worm and the Unsullied when they depart for Naath. So where do they go? What do they do? And who will lead them now?

These questions all go unanswered. We know the Dothraki are a largely tribal people, who form large groups, called Khalasar, led by a Khal. Whoever of the Dothraki are left at the end, could conceivably form their own Khalasar.

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But without a Khal, what would they do? It is possible that the strongest males may battle it out to determine who is the strongest and therefore, who should lead. That person would be crowned Khal and would be responsible for choosing where the Khalasar goes next and what it does.

This is where it becomes tricky. The Dothraki are not a seagoing people and so would be severely limited in their ability to travel. They cannot even return to Vaes Dothrak to regroup, as they're not trained to use ships, and it lies beyond the Narrow Sea. Perhaps the new Khalasar would roam Westeros and plunder what they could until they were defeated or managed to conquer lands of their own? But how would a largely nomadic people hold their lands?

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All of this is pure speculation that annoyingly only leads to further questions, and all we can do is wonder what is next for the Dothraki. And to hope that maybe, someday, we will finally learn what really happened to them after Dany's death.